[Call for Participation]: The 2nd Short Video Shooting Contest of Higher Education Institutions in China
[誠邀參與]: 第二屆中國高校葡語短視頻大賽
1. 主辦單位:澳門大學中葡雙語教學暨培訓中心、中國傳媒大學外國語言文化學院
2. 參賽要求:
- 資格
- 本科生及研究生:中國內地及澳門地區高校葡語專業本科生及研究生(包括碩士生與博士生);
- 參賽者須以個人或不超過三人的隊伍形式組成參賽單位,每一個參賽單位只可遞交一份作品,參賽者不可重複組隊。
- 作品要求
- 長度:3-5分鐘;
- 格式:MPEG/MP4/MOV;
- 製作工具:不限拍攝器材,可以使用手機、攝像機等等;
- 解像度:1280 x 720 (720p), 若達到1920 x 1080 (1080p) 更佳;
- 字幕:中葡雙語(中文部分不分繁、簡體,葡語部分不限葡葡、巴葡);
- 配音:葡語;
- 音頻:單聲道/雙聲道;
- 檔案大小:不大於視頻平台要求的大小。
- 報名方式
- 按報名表格填妥相關報名信息,表格鏈接為 :https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_43lyFu9R4IvYILA
- 將作品上載至Youtube或Bilibili並設定為非公開片段並確保視頻鏈接有效;
- 附作品提交中葡雙語的短片簡介,各約150字;
- 於提交作品的截止日期前, 在主辦單位提供的表格上, 按時提交 Youtube或 Bilibili 的視頻鏈接及短片簡介。
3. 日期:
- 大賽報名:2023 年 10 月 9 日截止
- 提交作品:2023 年 11 月 15 日截止
- 結果公佈:2023 年 12 月 4 日
4. 評核方式: 由主辦單位邀請的專家評審組成評審委員會,選出「一等獎」一名,「二等獎」兩名,「三等獎」 三名及「優秀獎」五名。
5. 結果公佈: 評選結果將於中葡雙語教學暨培訓中心網站公佈,公佈時間為 2023年 12 月 4 日,得獎者將由主辦單位之工作人員以電話或電郵方式另行通知。
6. 獎項:
7. 更多細則,請點擊此處閲讀比賽完整章程(鏈接)。
With the theme of “China in the eyes of the new generation”, this contest aims to encourage students from Mainland China and Macao higher education institutions to tell the story of China and to show the development of contemporary China through creative short films from their own perspective.
1. Organizers: Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre of the University of Macau, School of International Studies of Communication University of China
2. Eligibility:
- Participants
- Undergraduate and postgraduate students of the higher education institutions majoring in Portuguese in China;
- Students can either participate as an individual or in a group of 3 members or less. Each contestant or group can only submit one application.
- Video specification
- Length: 3-5 minutes;
- Format: MPEG/MP4/MOV;
- Tools: Any type of shooting equipment is welcome;
- Resolution: 1280 x 720 (720p), up to 1920 x 1080 (1080p) is preferred;
- Subtitle: Bilingual in Portuguese and Chinese (Simplified/Traditional Chinese; European/Brazilian Portuguese);
- Dubbing: Portuguese;
- Audio: Mono/Dual channel;
- Size: Depends on the video platform.
- Submission
- Submit your application from this weblink: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_43lyFu9R4IvYILA;
- Upload the video to either YouTube or Bilibili, select “unlisted” in visibility, and make sure the video link is available;
- Each contestant/group is required to submit a short description of the video with about 150 words (in Chinese and Portuguese);
- Submit the YouTube or Bilibili video link and the video description to the form provided by the organizers on or before the stated deadline.
3. Schedule:
- Application period: until 09/10/2023
- Submission period: until 15/11/2023
- Result announcement: 04/12/2023
4. Evaluation: The organizers will form a review panel that will review all video submissions and select one “1st Prize”, two “2nd Prizes”, three “3rd Prizes” and five “Merit Prizes”.
5. Result announcement: The results will be published on the Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre website, on 04/12/2023, and the awardees will be notified by telephone or email.
6. Prizes:
7. For all other details, please read the contest’s regulation which can be downloaded from here (link).