FST 14th E-Newsletter is published now! Welcome to access online!
《澳門大學科技學院第十四期電子快訊》現已出版 ! 歡迎查閱 !
Dear Colleagues and Students,
We are delighted to present to you the 14th issue of the Faculty of Science and Technology’s E-Newsletter at the University of Macau. This edition highlights the latest news, research achievements, and activities of the Faculty from Novermber 2023 to January 2024. You can access the E-Newsletter by visiting the following link: https://www.fst.um.edu.mo/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Issue-14-Nov-2023-Jan-2024.pdf
Additionally, if you would like to explore our previous E-Newsletters, please visit the FST website at: https://www.fst.um.edu.mo/newsletter/
We extend our warmest wishes for the well-being and happiness of you and your families.
Best Regards,
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Macau
很高興與大家分享澳門大學科技學院第十四期的電子快訊。是次快訊記錄了 2023 年 11 月至2024年1月的學院科研成果、新聞和活動。請點擊閱讀最新電子快訊: https://www.fst.um.edu.mo/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Issue-14-Nov-2023-Jan-2024.pdf