CO Tips (1): About UM motto, emblem and logo


Introduction of UM’s branding elements

At the time of its founding, UM decided to use the five traditional Chinese virtues, namely Humanity, Integrity, Propriety, Wisdom, and Sincerity, as its motto. It also represents UM’s wish to produce graduates who possess these virtues.


The university emblem is a registered trademark and is reserved for official use only. The colours are red for hope, blue for the joy of well-being, and gold for the advancement of humanity.

  1. The emblem of UM features a five-towered crest encircled by golden rings and the name of the university in Chinese and Portuguese.
  2. The bridge links together Eastern and Western cultures.
  3. The key on the book is the key to knowledge, and the waves represent the university’s island setting in the South China Sea.
  4. On the ribbon is a Chinese motto listing the five virtues of an ideal scholar: Humanity, Integrity, Propriety, Wisdom, and Sincerity.


  1. 校徽由一個五座城堡冠頂的盾牌和分別用中葡文書寫的「澳門大學」的校名字樣組成。
  2. 大橋寓意文化的溝通,是連接東西方文化的象徵。
  3. 書上的鑰匙是知識之匙,用以打開知識寶庫;四周的海浪代表著大學身處中國海域的一個小島上。
  4. 「仁、義、禮、知、信」為中國聖賢提倡的五種美德典範。


In Chinese 中文: 澳門大學(澳大)
In Portuguese 葡文: Universidade de Macau (UM)
In English 英文: University of Macau (UM)


The University Logo is the principal identity that represents the university, so whenever the image of the university is presented to external parties, the logo should be used. The logo consists of two parts: the emblem and the name of the university in Chinese, Portuguese, and English.


The University Icon is mainly for promotional purposes. It can be used on promotional items, souvenirs, and campus facilities. Please note that for official documents, the University Logo must be used.


For details regarding the usage of the UM identity and the related guidelines, please refer to The University of Macau Brand Guidelines.

For enquiries, please contact Ms Jill Lu or Ms Connie Cheong of the Public Relations Section of the Communications Office at 8822 8067 or 8822 8090, or
如有查詢,請聯絡傳訊部公共關係處盧小姐/ 張小姐(電話:8822 8067/ 8822 8090;電郵。

Best regards,
Public Relations Section, Communications Office
傳訊部公共關係處 謹啟

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