The service-learning team from the Cheng Yu Tung College established a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) curriculum and conducted their fifth volunteer teaching trip to Malacca


The service-learning team from the Cheng Yu Tung College established a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) curriculum and conducted their fifth volunteer teaching trip to Malacca


The service-learning program in the Portuguese Settlement of Malacca, Malaysia has been held for four consecutive years since 2016. After the pandemic, the Cheng Yu Tung College launched the service-learning program in Malacca’s Portuguese Settlement again. They provided voluntary teaching to the children at the Fatima Home and the Livio Learning Center. This year, the students of the Cheng Yu Tung College designed a STEM team-building curriculum, and spent a week providing voluntary teaching at the Fatima Home.

The curriculum is divided into four parts. In the first three parts, the tutors from the Cheng Yu Tung College guided the students from the Fatima Home to learn hands-on skills, such as making a hair moisture meter, connecting water pipes, and the different applications of glue and tape. The students also participated in group competitions to foster teamwork. The final lesson utilized the knowledge gained from the previous three parts and organized game competitions.

The goal of this curriculum is not only to stimulate the students’ curiosity but also to help them understand the science in their daily lives, inspire creativity, and cultivate a scientific spirit.

Sister Mary, a representative from the Livio Center, stated that the service-learning team from the Cheng Yu Tung College not only taught the students scientific knowledge but, more importantly, instilled valuable life principles. The tutors from the Cheng Yu Tung College used innovative methods to encourage the students to help each other and cooperate, which was the most crucial part of the curriculum.

The University of Macau’s Cheng Yu Tung College has been promoting the service-learning program in Malacca’s Portuguese Settlement since 2016. This program facilitate opportunities for international exchange and cooperation. The students who participated in this service-learning program have shown significant growth in 7 competencies, namely

Responsible citizenship, Global competitiveness, Knowledge integration, Teamwork and collaboration, Service and leadership, Cultural engagement, and Healthy lifestyle.


馬來西亞馬六甲葡萄牙村進行服務學習計劃由2016年開始連續舉辦了四屆,疫情過後澳門大學鄭裕彤書院再以「一帶一路、愛心展露」為題,從新開展馬六甲葡萄牙村進行服務學習計劃,為當地Fatima Home 天主教孤兒院及Livio Learning Center 的學童進行義教,今年鄭裕彤書院院生更設計了一套以科學(Science)、技術(Technology)、工程(Engineering)及數學(Math)為主題的STEM團隊建立教程,到Fatima Home 天主教孤兒院展開為期一週的義教工作。

這教程主要分為四部分,頭三部分中鄭裕彤書院院生導師會指導Fatima Home的學員動手學習頭髮濕度計、水管接駁和膠水與膠帶的不同應用,並進行小組比賽,學員透過小組合作爭取勝利。最後一堂課是利用前三部分的學習成果,進行遊戲比賽。這教程的目標除了激發學員的好奇心外,更希望透過遊戲令學員了解生活中的科學,啟發創意及科學精神,以此緊扣「一帶一路、愛心展露」這主題。

Livio Center代表修女Mary表示,鄭裕彤書院服務學習團不只教導學員科學知識,最重要的是價值觀的教育,鄭裕彤書院院生導師以新穎方法鼓勵學員互相幫助、合作有禮,這才是課程中最重要的部分。

澳大鄭裕彤書院於2016年開始推動馬六甲葡萄牙村服務學習計劃,今年的主題為「一帶一路、愛心展露」,讓學生瞭解國家的「一帶一路」倡議及澳大的社群教育,也開拓書院與國際交流合作的良好契機。參與此項服務學習計劃的學生在7項勝任力: 公民責任心、全球競爭力、知識整合能力、 團隊合作、服務與領導、文化參與及健康生活上有顯著的成長。

圖一. 鄭裕彤書院院生與Fatima Home及Livio Center 的師生合照
Figure 1. Photo of Cheng Yu Tung College students with teachers and students from the Fatima Home and Livio Center


圖二. 鄭裕彤書院師生指導Fatima Home及Livio Center同學 制作投石機以了解槓桿原理

Figure 2. Cheng Yu Tung College tutors guiding Fatima Home and Livio Center students in making a catapult to understand the principle of levers


圖三. 學員以撲克牌制作小型建築物

Figure 3. Students making small architectural models using playing cards



圖四. 學員以活動形式了解連通器原理

Figure 4. Students learning about the principle of communicating vessel through an interactive activity

圖五. 鄭裕彤書院院生指導寫反思手冊

Figure 5. Cheng Yu Tung College tutors guiding students to write the reflection handbooks