【Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office】Further Study Insider (1): Further Study Planning Timeline

【學生事務部 生涯發展中心】 升學情報(一):升學規劃時間軸

Career Development Centre

Our centre provides further study and career services under the Student Counselling Section, Student Affairs Office. Our objective is to enhance your employability and competitiveness and to increase your interest in and preparation for pursuing further study through a range of programmes, workshops and advising services.

We issue a bi-weekly Further Study Insider to provide advice and guidance on planning and preparing for further study. We hope you will read it and find it useful in your preparation.




Further Study Planning Timeline

  12-18 Months Prior To Application Deadline
  • Attend Tea with Professors to explore your further study interests, and define your goals.
  • Search for further study information by visiting the Reading Area of our centre and by attending Further Study Talks.
  • Talk to career advising associates, professors and alumni to build a wishlist of postgraduate programmes.
  6-12 months Prior To Application Deadline
  • Register for the required graduate admission tests, such as TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT or GRE tests.
  • Attend Further Study Workshops to learn the basic techniques of writing a personal statement (PS) and resume.
  • Schedule an appointment with the Career Development Centre to review your PS and resume for postgraduate programme applications.
  • Obtain letters of recommendation from professors who can speak positively about your academic, professional and personal qualities.
  • Request official transcripts from the Registry.
  Before Submitting The Application
  • Follow the rules set out by the universities, for example about submitting letters of recommendation, and submit all application documents before the deadline.
  • Get someone with a good eye for detail to proofread your documents.
  • Keep a copy of your final application.
  Admission Interview
  • Attend the admissions interview to convince the panel that you are what they are looking for by explaining your academic achievements, relevant experience and skills.
  Before Starting Your Postgraduate Study
  • Thank those who have offered help, encouragement and support during your application process, including professors who have written letters of recommendation.
  • Check the deadlines for enrolment, payment of tuition fees, application for accommodation, orientation programme, etc. Make your arrangements as early as possible.
  • Get to know the programme’s professors by viewing their profiles and researching the curriculum.


  • 參加與教授茶聚,探索你的升學興趣,並確立升學目標。
  • 前往本中心閱覽區及出席升學講座,搜尋升學資訊。
  • 諮詢生涯發展師、教授及校友,訂立心儀研究生課程清單。
  • 報考有關研究生入學試,如托福、雅思、GMAT或GRE等。
  • 參加升學準備工作坊,學習個人陳述及履歷的基本寫作技巧。
  • 與生涯發展中心預約進行個人陳述及升學履歷評閱
  • 邀請能夠對你的學業、工作表現、以及個人特質作出正面評價的教授,為你撰寫推薦信
  • 向註冊處申請成績單
  • 遵守大學所訂立的規則,例如如何遞交推薦信、在截止報名日期前遞交申請所需的一切文件等。
  • 請求細心的人幫忙檢查入學申請文件
  • 保存一份最終版本的申請。
  • 出席入學面試,向面試官詳細描述你的學術表現、相關經驗和能力,以証明自己是一個合適的人選。
  • 感謝那些曾經在入學申請上幫助、鼓勵、支持你的人,包括曾經為你寫推薦信的老師。
  • 留意註冊、繳交學費、申請住宿、迎新活動等截止日期,儘早作出相應的安排。
  • 瀏覽教授研究生課程的老師簡介,以及了解課程安排