【Career Activity】Corporate Experience Scheme (Modern Finance) – Mirco Connect (Date: 11 Sep | 14:30-16:30)

【就業活動】企業體驗計劃 (現代金融) - 滴灌通 (日期:9月11日 | 14:30-16:30)


為了提供更了解行業發展、工作環境和市場趨勢的機會,學生事務部生涯發展中心和校友及發展辦公室將於9月11日(星期三) 舉辦「企業體驗計劃 – 友生會客室」活動。是次活動我們將到訪滴灌通集團,讓同學們更了解特區政府發展四大重點產業之一的「現代金融」


日期:9月11日 (三)
時間:15:00 – 16:30 (集合時間: 14:30)
交通安排:將提供由澳大至滴灌通的穿梭巴士服務 (單程)。

吳志清先生 – 交易營運及系統部主管

  • 簡介公司背景及業務
  • 分享在金融行業的工作經驗
  • 為想投身如滴灌通集團這類公司從事資訊科技範疇的同學提供一些準備建議。

王旭升先生 – 財務部副總裁

  • 分享在金融業的經驗
  • 建議學生如何為投身現代金融業裝備自己


  • 填妥電子報名表格,請掃描海報(下方)的二維碼或複製網址:https://go.um.edu.mo/zedkjrh3
  • 為了有效促進交流,參加者需在報名時提交關於職涯規劃經驗分享等方向的問題。
  • 由於名額有限,截止報名後,學生事務部生涯發展中心將另發電郵確認,敬請留意。


如有查詢,歡迎與本中心聯絡。電話:8822 4839。

生涯發展中心 謹啟


Dear students,

In order to provide an opportunity to learn more about the industry development, work environment, and market trend, the Career Development Centre of the Student Affairs Office and Alumni and Development Office will organize the Corporate Experience Scheme – Modern Finance on 11 Sep. We will visit the Mirco Connect to let students know more about the “Modern Finance”,  one of the four key industries developed by the Macao SAR Government.

Event Details
Date:11 September 2024 (Wed)
Time:15:00 – 16:30 (Assembly time: 14:30 )
Location: Office of the Micro Connect
Language: Cantonese
Transport: Shuttle bus service will be provided from UM to the office of Mirco Connect (one way only)

Mr. Percy NG – Head of Exchange Operations and Systems

  • Brief introduction of our company and business
  • Share about his working experience in the Finance sector
  • How students can equip themselves in IT for a company like Mirco Connect

Mr. Samuel WONG – Vice President, Finance 

  • Share about his experience in Finance
  • How students can equip themselves for the Modern Finance Industry


  • Complete the e-from by scanning the QR code on the poster (below) or clicking the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/zedkjrh3
  • To facilitate communication, participants have to provide questions focusing on career planning or experience sharing upon registration
  • The quota is limited. Career Development Centre will send email confirmation to the participants after the deadline.

Deadline: 5 September

If you have any questions, please contact us at 8822 4839.

Best regards,
Career Development Centre
Student Counselling Section
Student Affairs Office