[Revision] Academic Year 2024/2025 – Student Medical Insurance Scheme, Waiver and Additional Benefits for Hospitalization (Application Period: 19-31 Aug)

2024/2025學年 - 學生醫療保險計劃,豁免規定及自願性福利提升計劃 (申請期: 8月19日至31日)

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Student Medical Insurance Scheme

To be in line with the development of University, and to enhance students’ health awareness, as well as to provide better medical services and coverage, UM student medical insurance is mandatory for all registered students, except students who are approved for exemption.

For academic year 2024/2025, the insurance scheme period starts from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025 and covers out-patient visits and hospitalization benefits. The insurance premium is MOP120 , while the debit note will be issued in the mid of September.


2024/2025學年 – 學生醫療保險計劃



For more information about the UM Medical Insurance Scheme, please visit the below documents:


English version: Student medical scheme

Website 網站:https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/medical-insurance/

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Ho or Ms. Ngai.
Tel 電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email 電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo
Office 地址: Student Activity Centre (E31) Room 2007 學生中心 E31- 2007室

Thank you for your attention. 謝謝!

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 │學生資源處

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Application for Student Medical Insurance Exemption

Students who meet one of the criterions in the UM Student Medical Insurance Fee Waiver Guidelines (Attachment #1) can apply for exemption from UM Student Medical Insurance Scheme for AY2024/2025. Upon approval, students are exempted to pay the medical insurance fee. Results will be announced by September.

Apply for exemption:

Application period: 19 – 31 August 2024 (Late application will not be accepted)

Application link: https://go.um.edu.mo/wjbvg27s (available from 19 – 31 August 2024)

Required documents:
1. Declaration of Medical Insurance Exemption (Attachment #2);
2. Proof of exemption criteria, such as:
– Insurance plan with hospitalization coverage in Macao (coverage period: 1 August 2024 – 31 July 2025)
– Acesso a Cuidados de Saúde (衞生護理證)
– Oral defense date confirmation (for postgraduate students)
– Out-going exchange period confirmation

2024/2025學年 – 學生醫療保險豁免申請




申請連結:https://go.um.edu.mo/wjbvg27s(連結有效期: 2024年8月19日至31日)

1. 醫療保險豁免聲明書 (附件#2)
2. 豁免憑證,如:
– 自行購買的保險計劃,必須包括澳門的住院醫療保障(保障期必須包括2024年8月1日至2025年7月31日)
– 衞生護理證
– 論文的答辨時間證明 (研究生)
– 參加交流計劃證明

Attachment 附件:
1. Medical Insurance Fee Waiver Guidelines 醫療保險豁免規定 

2. Declaration of Medical Insurance Exemption 醫療保險豁免聲明書

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Ho or Ms. Ngai.
Tel 電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email 電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo
Office 地址: Student Activity Centre (E31) Room 2007 學生中心 E31- 2007室

Thank you for your attention. 謝謝!

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 │學生資源處

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Voluntary Top-up Benefits for Hospitalization

Pay an annual premium MOP170, Hospitalization benefits will be upgraded to (Leaflet link)

Application period: 19 – 31 Aug 2024 (Late application will not be accepted)


  1. complete the application form;
  2. settle the payment via the designed bank (EASY TRANSFER is recommended) ;
  3. email the signed application form together with the payment evidence (ex. bank slip/ transaction print screen) to medical@asiainsurance.com.mo
  • Bank: Tai Fung Bank Limited
  • Account No: 201-1-08629-9
  • Credit to: Asia Insurance Co., Lid.


2024/2025學年 – 自願性住院福利提升計劃

繳納年費澳門元170,住院醫療保險計劃可升級至 (小冊子連結)

申請期: 2024年8 月19-31日(不接受逾期申請)


  1. 填妥 申請表;
  2. 通過以下指定銀行繳納費用 (建議使用過數易) ;
  3. 電郵已簽署的申請表連同入帳通知書(銀行單據/交易記錄截圖) 致 medical@asiainsurance.com.mo
  • 銀行: 大豐銀行股份有限公司
  • 帳戶編號: 201-1-08629-9
  • 收款抬頭: 亞洲保險有限公司

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Ho or Ms. Ngai.
Tel 電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email 電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo
Office 地址: Student Activity Centre (E31) Room 2007 學生中心 E31- 2007室

Thank you for your attention. 謝謝!

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 │學生資源處

Academic Year 2024/2025 – Voluntary Top-up Benefits for Student Personal Accident Insurance

In order to provide better coverage to all registered students, especially the sport team members who represent the University in various high-risk sport competitions, starting from AY 2023/2024. we are pleased to launch the Voluptuary Top-up Benefits for Student Personal Accident Insurance.  

For those registered students who get injured when participating in the activities organized by the University, they are eligible to apply for Personal Insurance Accident. Previously the maximum amount of accidental medical expense is MOP10,000. By joining the voluntary top-up benefit, the maximum amount of accident medical expense would double up to MOP20,000 or even MOP50,000.


  • Plan 1 – Accidental Death & Disablement MOP500,000, Accidental Medical Expense MOP20,000
  • Plan 2 – Accidental Death & Disablement MOP500,000, Accidental Medical Expense MOP50,000


  • Plan 1 – MOP70/academic year (1 Aug 2024 – 31 Jul 2025)
  • Plan 2 – MOP143/academic year (1 Aug 2024 – 31 Jul 2025)

Application period: 19 – 31 Aug 2024 (Late application will not be accepted)


  1. complete the application form PA
  2. settle the payment via the designed bank (EASY TRANSFER is recommended) ;
  3. email the signed application form together with the payment evidence (ex. bank slip/ transaction print screen) to Macau.Info@bhspecialty.com
  • Bank: The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. Limited, Sucursal de Macau
  • Account No: 001-588219-091 
  • Credit to: Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company 


2024/2025學年 – 自願性學生個人意外保險福利提升計劃


若註冊學生在參加學校組織的活動時受傷,可以申請學生個人意外保險。 現行因意外所構成的醫療費用的最高賠償限額為澳門元10,000。 倘加入自願性學生個人意外保險福利提升計劃後,因意外所構成的醫療費用的最高賠償限額為將增加至澳門元20,000或甚至澳門元50,000。


  • 計劃 1 – 意外死亡 & 傷殘 澳門元500,000, 因意外所構成的醫療費用 澳門元20,000
  • 計劃 2 – 意外死亡 & 傷殘 澳門元500,000, 因意外所構成的醫療費用 澳門元50,000


  • 計劃 1 – 澳門元70/學年 (2024年8月1日 – 2025年7月31日)
  • 計劃 2 – 澳門元143/學年 (2024年8月1日 – 2025年7月31日)

申請期: 2024年8 月19-31日(不接受逾期申請)


  1. 填妥 申請表;
  2. 通過以下指定銀行繳納費用 (建議使用過數易) ;
  3. 電郵已簽署的申請表連同入帳通知書(銀行單據/交易記錄截圖) 致Macau.Info@bhspecialty.com
  • 銀行: 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(澳門分行)
  • 帳戶編號: 001-588219-091 
  • 收款抬頭: 巴郡保險公司

For any enquiries, please contact Mr. Ho or Ms. Ngai.
Tel 電話: 8822 9902 / 8822 9912
Email 電郵: sao.services@um.edu.mo
Office 地址: Student Activity Centre (E31) Room 2007 學生中心 E31- 2007室

Thank you for your attention. 謝謝!

Student Resources Section │ Student Affairs Office
學生事務部 │學生資源處