【External Activity】Deloitte launches “2025 Graduate Program” and the online talk is hold on 30 Aug 2024

【校外活動】德勤推出"2025畢業生計劃" 且於8月30日舉行線上簡介會

以下資料由 德勤 提供,學生事務部代傳。
The following information is provided by Deloitte and posted by the Student Affairs Office.

Dear students,

Deloitte has launched the 2025 Graduate Program and applications are now open.

To introduce the program, Deloitte will organize an online talk on 30 Aug 2024. Regardless of your major, if you are a 2024/2025 graduate, please take this exceptional opportunity to communicate with Deloitte personnel if you are interested in the accounting industry.

Register by scanning the QR code shown on the poster.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Best regards,

Career Development Centre
Student Counselling Section
Student Affairs Office