“Dancing to the Rhythm of Youth: Dual Celebration Students Variety Show” (31 August 2024, 4pm-6pm, N2 U-Hall)

「澳門大學樂舞青春迎雙慶學生文藝匯演」(2024年8月31日,下午4時至6時,N2 大學會堂)








時間:下午 4時 至 6時

地點:大學會堂 (N2)



如有任何關於報名之查詢,請與周國暉教授聯絡(電郵:kchao@um.edu.mo;電話:8822 9139)。




學生事務副校長辦公室 謹啟


Dear students and colleagues,


For celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the “Dancing to the Rhythm of Youth”: Dual Celebration Students Variety Show will be held on 31 August, 2024, together with the delegations from Peking University, Tsinghua University and Zhejiang University joining us for this event.


Students and RC Affiliates are welcome. Please register via the link below if you are interested to attend the show.

Date: 31 August, 2024 (Saturday)

Time: 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Venue: University Hall (N2)

Registration: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9sfX2LSBRYnX2Dk


For queries regarding registration, please contact Prof. Kuok Fai CHAO via email at kchao@um.edu.mo or phone at 8822 9139.


We look forward to seeing you all at the Students Variety Show!


Best regards,

Office of Vice Rector (Student Affairs)