【Career Activity】 “Alumni Mentorship Scheme 2024/2025” is open for application NOW (Application deadline: 2 Sep)

【就業活動】"友生啟導計劃 2024/2025" - 現正招募學生(截止報名日期:9月2日)

1. 參加計劃的校友導師與學生組成多個小組,參加者可結識不同學院的同學以及與來自不同行業的校友導師交流;
2. 參加同學需與校友導師交換聯絡方法(如:電話、電郵、WhatsApp、微信等)。
  • 會計
  • 銀行
  • 計算機工程
  • 建築
  • 教育
  • 金融
  • 金融科技
  • 保險
  • 資訊科技創新
  • 媒體
  • 公共行政 (公職)
  • 公共事業
  • 研究
  • 斜槓
  • 社福
  • 創業
  • 貿易
1. 有興趣認識澳大校友的大一至大四學生(UG) 或研究生 (PG);
2. 出席本計劃舉辦的活動(參考下表),並在計劃期間主動與校友交流;
3. 於結業禮前,按要求撰寫學生報告。
日期/時間 活動內容
21/09/2024 (10:00 – 13:00) 溝通技巧工作坊(學生專場)
行政費: 100澳門元*
21/09/2024 下午 開幕禮
19/10/2024 上午 團體活動 – 參觀澳門海關
16/11/2024 下午 團體活動 – 龍鬚糖工作坊
18/01/2025 結業禮
1. 溝通技巧工作坊之行政費為100澳門元,有關行政費繳交詳情如下: 
  • 全程出席工作坊之學生無須繳交行政費。但無故缺席或未能全程參與工作坊之學生則會收到由學校發出的電子繳費單,並需在期限前繳交。
2. 上述活動具體安排(包括時間及地點) 將以電郵另行通知。
3. 在提交報名表前,請再次查看你的日程表。本中心保留不接納無故缺席的學生日後參與活動之權利。
– 所有符合要求之參加者,並獲得校友導師提名,有機會競逐"最佳學員"及"活躍學員",獲獎者將獲得頒發證書及獎品,以作鼓勵。
(更新於12:51, 21/08/2024)

注意:請根據上述導師名單的第一欄(藍色)"導師編號 (Mentor No.)"填寫在電子表格內。


查詢:sao.career@um.edu.mo /8822 4839

生涯發展中心 謹啟


Do you want to meet different alumni mentors and get advice on career planning?

If you enjoy meeting people of different backgrounds and ages, socializing, and taking part in group activities, we would like to invite you to join this scheme.

1. Participating alumni mentors and students will form several groups.  Participants will get to know students from different faculties and interact with alumni mentors from different industries. 
2. Participants are required to exchange contact information with alumni mentors (e.g. cell no., email, WhatsApp or WeChat, etc.)

Over 50 alumni mentors from different industries participated, such as:

  • Accounting
  • Banking
  • Computer Engineering
  • Construction
  • Education
  • Finance
  • Fintech
  • Insurance
  • IT innovation
  • Media
  • Public administration
  • Public utility
  • Research
  • Slasher
  • Social welfare
  • Start-up
  • Trading

Please see the mentor list below for more details.

1. Year 1 -4 undergraduate (UG) or postgraduate (PG) students who are interested in this scheme;
2. Participate in all activities organized by the organizer (see table below), proactively interact with alumni mentors during the scheme period;
3. Submit a student report before the closing ceremony.

Date / Time Activities
21/09/2024 (10:00 – 13:00) Communication Workshop (students only)
All mentees are required to join the communication workshop
Administrative fee: MOP100*
21/09/2024 afternoon Opening Ceremony
19/10/2024 afternoon Group Activity 1 – Visit Macao Customs
16/11/2024 afternoon Group Activity 2 – Dragon’s Beard Candy Making Workshop
18/01/2025  Closing Ceremony


  1. An administrative fee of MOP100 is required for the Communication Workshop. Please follow the procedure below to settle the payment:
    • Students who fully participate in the entire workshop do NOT need to settle the payment. The e-debit note will be issued to the students who are absent from the whole or part of the workshop and please settle the payment before the deadline. 
  2. Full details of the activity (i.e. time and place) will be provided by email.
  3. Please double-check your schedule before submitting your application. We reserve the right to refuse future participation to any student who fails to attend a workshop or group activity without justification.

– All participants who meet the requirements and are nominated by their alumni mentors will have the opportunity to compete for the “Outstanding Mentee Award”, and “Active Mentee Awards”. The winners will be presented with certificates and prizes as an incentive. 

Mentor list: Download

     (Updated on 21/08/2024, 12:51)

Please fill out the e-form: https://go.um.edu.mo/syrendhd (The link cannot be opened by WeChat, please use a web browser to login to the link.) 
(Note: Please indicate the Mentor No. on the e-form according to the above mentor list. The Mentor no. (the 1st column) has been highlighted in blue.)

Application Deadline: 6 September 2024

Enquiries: sao.career@um.edu.mo / 8822 4839

Career Development Centre
Student Counselling Section
Student Affairs Office