[Reminder] UM Reporter Programme is now open for applications! (Deadline: 3 Sep)

【提提你】 澳大校園記者計劃現正接受報名!(截止日期:9月3日)

Dear students,

We are halfway through the recruitment period for the new cohort of UM Reporters! If you are passionate about photography, video production, writing, or interviewing, and are keen to showcase your skills on the University of Macau’s communication platforms, don’t hesitate to apply! You are welcome to apply if you are:

  • A UM student (except exchange students)
  • Familiar with campus news and current events, and have good communication skills
  • Interested in writing, photography, or multimedia production
  • Responsible and enjoy teamwork
Apply here now!
Join our WeChat Q&A Group!

Deadline for application:  3 September 2024 (Tuesday)

If you are curious and creative, this programme is for you! Join us now!

UM Reporters are happy to answer any questions in the ‘UM Reporter 2024 Application Q&A’ WeChat group. You may also contact Mr Davis Ip of the Public Relations Section, Communications Office at 8822 8055 or prs.publication@um.edu.mo.

Warmest regards,
Public Relations Section, Communications Office



  • 澳大學生(不包括交換生)
  • 關心大學動態、新聞觸角敏銳、善於溝通
  • 喜歡寫作、攝影、多媒體製作
  • 有責任感,善於團體合作



如有查詢,同學可加入「澳大校園記者2024申請答疑」微信群組,在群組內直接聯絡校園記者溝通,也可聯絡傳訊部公共關係處葉先生(電話:8822 8055 或電郵:prs.publication@um.edu.mo)。

傳訊部公共關係處 謹啟

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