【Further Study Information】Online Information Session for ALLEX Foundation Scholarship on 7 Sep

【升學資訊】ALLEX Foundation 獎學金線上宣講會 (9月7日)

以下資料由 ALLEX Foundation 提供,學生事務部生涯發展中心代傳。
The following information is provided by the ALLEX Foundation and posted by Career Development Centre, Student Affairs Office.

ALLEX Foundation

The ALLEX Foundation (Alliance for Language Learning and Educational Exchange) was founded with the primary mission of advancing global understanding and intercultural exchange through education. We advance this mission with programs that encourage the establishment of high quality East Asian language programs at educational institutions in the United States and Canada. At the same time, our programs offer unique study abroad opportunities in the United States for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean speakers.

Since the organization’s inception over 230 universities have used our teachers to start new language programs or to sustain and enhance established language offerings. More than 1,500 instructors have been trained and placed at North American universities, and a large percentage have completed Masters degrees while teaching. More than 75 former ALLEX instructors are still teaching in the field. Some of our most illustrious graduates have gone on to earn Ph.D.s, and have attained professorships and lectureships at institutions such as Harvard, M.I.T., Cornell, Wellesley College, Truman State University, and Hamilton College.

ALLEX Scholarship Program

Students selected for the ALLEX Scholarship Program will receive a scholarship for full tuition, room, and food to pursue a Master’s or second Bachelor’s degree. In exchange for this scholarship students are required to teach one or two courses of Chinese at the host university. Visit the program website for further details. 

Program Website: https://www.allex.org/cn/scholarships-for-teaching-chinese
Application Details: https://www.allex.org/cn/application-details

Online Information Session

Want to Study and Teach in the U.S.?

Join a 60 minute live seminar to learn more about how to apply for ALLEX! Ask questions, hear success stories of graduates, and get tips on the application process.

Date & Time: 7 September 2024, 8pm Macau time

Register Now


For more information about this scholarship program, please contact Dr. Qi Wang, Managing Director (qi.wang@allex.org), or visit the webpage at http://www.allex.org.