The First Graduate of the Greater Bay Area University Joint Programme – Tam Chi Fong’s Cross-Border Academic Journey

大灣區高校聯培計劃首名畢業生 - 譚志豐跨越兩地的求學路









在華南理工大學學習期間,譚志豐不僅提升了普通話水平,還深刻感受到了內地教學方式的不同。「內地的課程更注重實踐操作,而澳大則提供了更多的輔導,如助教(Teaching Assistant) 主持的輔導班等。」他補充道,儘管兩地存在細微的文化差異,但整體而言,這些經歷讓他獲益良多。如今,譚志豐正在澳大攻讀土木及環境工程碩士學位。對於未來,譚志豐希望成為一個能夠促進兩地合作橋樑的工程師,他打算先取得工程師執照並在澳門積累一定工作經驗後,再赴大灣區發展。



The first successful case of the joint programme

Tam Chi Fong is a graduate of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Macau (UM) and the first graduate of the ” 2+2 Joint Programme” between UM and South China University of Technology (SCUT). As the first successful case of the joint programme, his experience marks a new phase in higher education cooperation within the Greater Bay Area, highlighting the potential for cross-institutional and cross-border collaboration among universities in the region. Tam’s success story will inspire more young students aspiring to develop in the Greater Bay Area.

Initiating the Academic Path in the Greater Bay Area

Tam ‘s academic journey began with an accidental discovery. During high school, he learned about this joint programme through a TV show. Students could earn bachelor’s degrees from two prestigious universities by studying civil engineering subjects at UM for two years and then completing another two-year civil engineering program at SCUT, all within four years. The curriculum leverages the strengths of both institutions and is specifically tailored to nurture talent for the Greater Bay Area. The joint programme not only broadens horizons but also allows students to deeply understand the cultural atmosphere and educational environment of both Macao and Mainland China, which was a significant attraction for him. “I felt that such an opportunity was rare, allowing me to obtain two degrees while experiencing firsthand the development trends of the Greater Bay Area,” said Tam.

Broadening Horizons, Moving Forward Boldly

When asked about the greatest advantage of the programme, Tam noted that it allowed him to experience mainland living styles and learning environments, broadening his horizons while enhancing his capabilities in all aspects. Especially after the pandemic, he had the chance to visit core enterprises and construction sites in the Greater Bay Area, engaging with industry experts, thus gaining a deeper understanding of the future direction of the industry. “These experiences made me even more certain about my future direction because I saw the immense potential for the development of the Greater Bay Area.” Tam said. As the first graduate of the programme, Tam faced many challenges, particularly regarding curriculum design and credit arrangements. “The biggest challenge was being the first participant, so there were some unforeseen difficulties in practical implementation.”  He said. However, these challenges honed his problem-solving skills. “I learned to take the initiative in solving problems, communicating situations with professors from both universities, and ultimately successfully resolved many issues.” These experiences greatly benefited him and made him more independent and confident.

Cultural Integration, Language Enhancement

During his studies at SCUT, Tam not only improved his Mandarin proficiency but also deeply felt the differences in teaching methods in Mainland China. “Courses on the mainland focus more on practical operations, while UM provides more tutoring, such as study sessions led by Teaching Assistants.” He added that although there were subtle cultural differences between the two places, overall, these experiences were very beneficial. Currently, Tam is pursuing a master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering at UM. For the future, Tam hopes to become an engineer who can serve as a bridge for cooperation between the two places. He plans to obtain an engineering license and accumulate work experience in Macao before developing further in the Greater Bay Area.

The Significance of Cross-Institutional and Cross-Border Collaboration

Tam believes that such cross-institutional and cross-border collaboration programmes are significant for students, providing them with a new platform for learning and growth while promoting closer exchanges and cooperation among universities within the Greater Bay Area, driving regional coordinated development. For juniors interested in participating in the joint programme, Tam summarized several pieces of advice, “First, possess a certain level of Chinese language ability, which is crucial for successfully completing your studies; second, be prepared mentally to face various challenges, maintaining a proactive attitude; finally, plan your time reasonably to ensure you can complete all courses on schedule.” Through Tam’s successful example, universities in the Greater Bay Area will continue to deepen their cooperation, fostering talents suitable for the region. With his spirit of courage and perseverance, Tam Chi Fong has written his own splendid chapter. This is not only a testament to personal growth but also a model of successful educational cooperation in the Greater Bay Area.

🍀澳大與華南理工大學雙學位本科聯培計劃詳情/Details of Joint Programme:

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土木及環境工程系梁小姐 Ms Leong ( 4967)