Call for Application: FDCT Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation – Type A and Type B (2024 2nd batch)

項目徵集:澳門科學技術發展基金科研及創新資助計劃 – A類及B類 (2024年第二批)

Dear Colleagues,

The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) is calling for application for the “Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation科研及創新資助計劃” – Type A and Type B (2024 2nd batch). The maximum applied amount is MOP3,000,000 for a maximum duration of 3 years. The application period is from now to 9 Oct 2024. (Internal submission deadline: 23 Sep 2024).

Types of Application:

  1. Type A: for research projects conducive to enhancing scientific research strength and cutting-edge original innovation ability;
  2. Type B: for research projects with application-oriented scientific research findings.

For details, please refer to the FDCT website (

Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. Candy Leong (, ext. 4350) or Ms. Evonne Liu (, ext. 9929).

Thank you for your kind attention.

Best regards,

Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office