Invitation to the CO PR Workshop Series (1) : Techniques of Video Storytelling

誠邀出席傳訊部公關系列工作坊 (1):影像說故事的基礎技巧

Dear colleagues and students,

The Communications Office will hold CO PR Workshop Series: Techniques of Video Storytelling on 25 September 2024. We welcome all UM members to join.

The details are as follows for your interest and registration:

Workshop Name: CO PR Workshop Series: Techniques of Video Storytelling
Date: 25 September 2024
Time: 14:30-17:30
Location: Room 2029, Administration Building (N6)
Speaker: Emily Chan, film director and screenwriter
Content: 1) Transforming ideas into screenplays; 2) Developing compelling characters; 3) Writing engaging dialogue
Language:  Cantonese
Registration Link:
Registration Deadline: 11:00 am, 24 September 2024
*Registrations will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis and priority will be given to UM reporters, PR student ambassadors, and University PR Task Force members. Those who successfully register for the workshop will receive a confirmation email on 24 September 2024.

For enquiries, please contact Mr. Davis Ip (Tel: 8822 8055; Email: of the Public Relations Section of the Communications Office.

Thank you.

With warmest regards,
Public Relations Section, Communications Office




工作坊: 傳訊部公關系列工作坊:影像說故事的基礎技巧
日期: 2024年9月25日 
時間: 14:30-17:30
地點: 行政樓N6-2029室
講者: 陳雅莉 電影導演與編劇
內容: 1) 將想法轉化為劇本;2) 塑造引人入勝的角色;3) 撰寫生動對白
語言: 廣東話
截止報名日期: 2024年9月24日早上11時


如有查詢,歡迎聯繫澳門大學傳訊部公共關係處葉先生 (電話:8822 8055;電郵 。

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