UM research achievements accepted by top information security conferences



(左)黃莊桐及關泳琪 (Left)Huang Zhuangtong and Guan Yongqi

PhD students Huang Zhuangtong and Guan Yongqi from the Department of Computer and Information Science at the Faculty of Science and Technology, under the guidance of Assistant Professor Wang Ye, have had two research papers fully accepted by top-tier conferences in the field of information security: IEEE S&P 2025 and NDSS 2025. These conferences are considered among the top four in the field, alongside ACM CCS and USENIX Security.

According to data from the past five years, the acceptance rates for IEEE S&P and NDSS are 13% and 16%, respectively. Both conferences are rated as Class A by the China Computer Federation (CCF) and have received the highest A* rating in the Core Conference Ranking, highlighting their significant academic value.

This achievement marks the first time that the University of Macau has been listed as the primary institution presenting papers at these top-tier information security conferences. It is not only the university’s first breakthrough in this domain but also the first time for an institution from Macao to present research results at such high-level conferences. This milestone underscores the international recognition of the UM’s research in information security.

A brief introduction to relevant research is as follows:

澳門大學科技學院電腦及資訊科學系博士生黃莊桐及關泳琪,在助理教授王也的指導下,兩項研究成果分別被信息安全領域的頂級會議IEEE S&P 2025與NDSS 2025全文接收。這兩大會議被認為是信息安全領域的四大頂尖會議之一,與ACM CCS及USENIX Security並列。

根據近五年的數據,IEEE S&P與NDSS的錄取率分別為13%和16%。這兩大會議均被中國計算機學會(CCF)評為A類會議,並在Core Conference Ranking中獲得最高級別的A*評級,彰顯了其極高的學術價值。

