【IAS】South China Quarterly: Journal of University of Macau 10th Anniversary Conference: “Making Chinese scholarship global. An international journal for the Chinese academic community” was successfully held

【高研院】『南國學術 -澳門大學學報』十週年紀念研討會:“國際化的中文學術,中文學術的國際化刊物”成功舉行

9月26至27日,由澳門大學人文社科高等研究院(IAS)主辦的『南國學術 -澳門大學學報』創刊十週年紀念研討會在大學展館舉行。來自中國社會科學院、清華大學、中國人民大學、山東大學、中山大學等高校以及校內的專家學者出席研討會,並進行了專題研討。

2024年是『南國學術 -澳門大學學報』創刊十週年的日子,如何繼往開來,在新的發展階段辦出一份特色更加鮮明、學術水平更高的國際化期刊,是學報面對的課題。研討會以“國際化的中文學術,中文學術的國際化刊物”為主題,對此做出了回應。

葛偉副校長在開幕致辭中對『南國學術 -澳門大學學報』的期刊定位、辦刊理念和發展策略作出了肯定:“『南國學術』作爲一本以中文為國際化學術語言的大學學報,與本校國際化的政策可謂并駕齊驅、相得益彰。” 他對『南國學術』的未來充滿希望,願學報能繼續秉承“治文章若梳小木的工匠精神”,成為澳門大學的學術名片,不斷為國際中文學術共同體作出貢獻。

林少陽教授作為『南國學術 -澳門大學學報』的期刊主編代表編輯團隊發言,他回顧了學報的過去,總結了近年來學報在運作模式和編輯體制方面的改革,並詳細地解釋了“國際化的中文學術,中文學術的國際化刊物”之深刻內涵。

來自校內外的專家學者先後從學術角度以及工作經驗出發,分享在運營期刊的過程中所遇到的問題和挑戰,並對如何實現期刊的“國際化”和“跨學科”進行了富有洞見的討論。建設國際中文學術共同體,推進中文學術國際化的進程,不僅是『南國學術 -澳門大學學報』的理念,更是未來長期努力的方向。

From September 26 to 27, the 10th anniversary symposium of the ” South China Quarterly – Journal of University of Macau” was hosted by the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) at the university gallery (E1). Experts and scholars from institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Shandong University, and Sun Yat-sen University, as well as those from within the university, attended the symposium and participated in themed discussions.

As 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the journal’s founding, the challenge faced is how to continue and innovate, creating an international journal with more distinct characteristics and higher academic standards. The symposium, themed “Making Chinese scholarship global. An international journal for the Chinese academic community.” responded to this challenge.

Vice Rector Ge Wei affirmed the journal’s positioning, philosophy, and development strategy in his opening speech: “As a university journal using Chinese as an international academic language, South China Quarterly’ advances alongside and complements the university’s policies of internationalization.” He expressed hope for the journal’s future, wishing it to continue embodying the “craftsmanship spirit of meticulous writing” and become an academic hallmark of the University of Macau, contributing continuously to the international Chinese academic community.

Professor Lin Shaoyang, as the chief editor representing the editorial team, reviewed the journal’s past, summarized recent reforms in its operational model and editorial system, and explained the profound meaning of ” Making Chinese scholarship global. An international journal for the Chinese academic community.”

Experts and scholars from within and outside the university shared insights from academic perspectives and work experiences, discussing the problems and challenges encountered in running journals and offering insightful discussions on achieving “internationalization” and “interdisciplinarity.” Building an international Chinese academic community and advancing the internationalization process of Chinese scholarship is not only the journal’s philosophy but also the direction for long-term efforts in the future.