News Express: UM, Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e sign cooperation agreement
宋永華(右)與João Soares Martins
Yonghua Song (right) and João Soares Martins
東帝汶國立大學校長João Soares Martins今(25)日率領代表團訪問澳門大學,獲澳大校長宋永華熱情接待。雙方簽署合作協議,並就如何推進兩校多領域的交流合作展開深入討論。
宋永華表示,澳大一直高度重視國際化工作,此次簽署的合作協議將為兩校的學術、文化交流等奠定基礎,未來雙方將探討開展學生交流、學者互訪和舉辦學術研討會等活動,促進教育資源互享及師生互動。João Soares Martins表達了對此次合作的熱切期待,表示此行令東帝汶國立大學更好地了解澳大的學科優勢,從中吸取先進的國際化教學及科研經驗,希望隨著未來兩校師生交流合作的開展,帶動該校教學和科研水平的提升。
參與會面的澳大成員還有副校長馬許願(Rui Martins)、法學院院長唐曉晴、中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室主任陳新、全球事務總監王春明、健康科學學院助理院長張宣軍、人文學院葡文系主任João Veloso等。
UM, Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e sign cooperation agreement
A delegation led by João Soares Martins, rector of the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL), visited the University of Macau (UM) today (25 November), and was warmly received by Yonghua Song, rector of UM. The two parties signed a cooperation agreement and had in-depth discussions on promoting exchanges and cooperation between the two universities in various fields.
Song said that UM attaches great importance to internationalisation, and the cooperation agreement will lay the foundation for academic and cultural exchanges between the two institutions. He added that the two universities will jointly organise student exchanges, scholar visits, and academic seminars to promote the sharing of educational resources and the exchange of students and faculty. Martins said that the visit provided UNTL with a better understanding of UM’s strengths, international education model, and research layout. He expressed hope that UNTL will enhance its teaching and research capabilities through exchange and cooperation with UM.
The delegation also visited the Faculty of Health Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, UM Library, Faculty of Law, and Department of Portuguese to learn about UM’s academic layout and research facilities. They spoke highly of the university’s academic structure and research development, as well as its campus development and environment.
To read the news on UM’s official website, please visit the following link: