One-day College Life Experiences for Secondary Students at MCMC: Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School
中學生美好的一天:書院生活體驗在滿珍 – 濠江中學附屬英才學校
On 10th March, 2023, Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School arranged a group of 25 Form 6 students to experience a day of college life at Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau. The group began with a tour of MCM College, followed by experiential learning workshops such as “Portuguese for Beginners” and “Music and Rhythm” conducted by Dr. Manuel Noronha and Dr. Peggy Lau respectively. Shortly after, three senior college student representatives were invited to highlight their respective college experiences with the group as they interacted actively in group discussions. At the end of the morning session, Associate Master, Dr. Manuel Noronha presented certificates of participation to the group.
After lunch at College Hall, the group visited Macao Base for Primary & Secondary STEM Education, followed by a guided visit to Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences by Prof. Ruey-Song HUANG, and Prof. Haoyun ZHANG. The visits aroused the group’s interest in scientific research. Afterwards, the group attended a guided tour to UM Gallery. Finally, they visited the Centre for Chinese and Culture, and attended a seminar held by Dr. Neng Ian CHEANG.
Visit to Macao Base for Primary and Secondary STEM Education
Visit to Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Visit to UM Gallery
Visit to the Centre for Chinese History and Culture
Guided tour at MCM College
RC Experiential Learning Workshops
College Life Sharing
Presentation of souvenir and certificates of participation
於2023年3月10日,濠江中學附屬英才學校安排25位中六學生到澳門大學滿珍紀念書院體驗一天書院生活。 參訪團首先前往書院參與導賞,隨後參與了由Dr. Manuel Noronha和劉沛棋博士帶領之「葡語入門」和「音樂與節奏」體驗式學習工作坊。 接著,三位院生代表受邀與參訪學生分享他們的大學生活,並在小組討論中積極與學生互動。 在上午活動環節結束時,副院長Dr. Manuel Noronha為大家頒發參與證書。
參訪團在書院膳堂享用午餐後,參訪了澳門大學澳門中小學生科技實踐基地,隨後在黃瑞松教授和張浩雲教授的帶領下參訪了認知與腦科學研究中心,激發了對科學研究的興趣。 隨後,參訪團前往大學展館參與導賞活動。 最後,他們參訪了中國歷史文化中心,並參與由鄭寧人博士主持的座談會。