Information Security Tips (March 2023) – Screen sharing features hide dangers, do you know how to prevent them?
資訊安全貼士 (2023年3月號) - 屏幕共享功能暗藏危機,你知道如何防範嗎?

To: All Users
Screen sharing features refer to the function of sharing your computer screen or mobile screen with others during online meetings or remote work. This function can facilitate communication and collaboration, but it also poses some cyber security risks that may make you a target of scammers or hackers. According to a notice from the Judiciary Police, this function is also a tool for phone scammers.
Scammers may pretend to be government officials, customer service representatives, or bank employees, claiming to assist you with online video call investigation, problem solving, account updating, benefit claiming and so on. Then, they ask you to download unknown applications (APPs) or share your screen with them, and instruct you to input personal information, bank account passwords, verification codes, transfer money, etc. In fact, once you share your screen with them, they can see what you type and may also install malicious software, steal your data and control your device without your knowledge.
To prevent above risks, here are some information security tips:
- Do not share your screen with strangers or people whose identity you have not verified;
- Do not click on suspicious links or open suspicious attachments;
- Do not download or install applications (APPs) or software from unknown sources;
- Do not turn on screen sharing features or input confidential data when using public WiFi;
- Choose a reputable software or platform with data encryption function to share your screen;
- Only share the necessary content when sharing your screen, and monitor the scope and duration of the sharing;
- End the meeting and log out of the software or platform immediately after sharing your screen.
Remember to stay alert and be careful when using screen sharing features and do not let yourself to become a victim of scams.
Judiciary Police – Police Information Circular
Know social engineering and beware of phone scams
How to download and install software in a secure manner?
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact ICTO Help Desk.
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Information and Communication Technology Office
騙子可能會假冒政府官員、客服、銀行員工,聲稱是來協助你進行線上視頻辦案、解決問題、更新賬戶、領取福利等。然後,要求你下載不明的應用程式 (APP) 或與他們共享屏幕,再指示你輸入個人資料、銀行帳戶密碼、驗證碼及轉帳匯款等。事實上,當你與他們共享屏幕後,他們也許會偷看你正在輸入的資料,也可能在你不知情的情況下安裝惡意軟件、竊取數據及控制你的設備。
- 不要和陌生人或未核實身份的人士共享屏幕;
- 不要隨意點擊可疑的連結或打開附件;
- 不要下載或安裝來歷不明的應用程式 (APP) 或軟件;
- 不要在使用公共WiFi時開啟屏幕共享功能或輸入機密資料;
- 選擇一個信譽良好和有數據加密功能的軟件或平台來進行屏幕共享;
- 在共享屏幕時只分享必要的內容,並監控你所分享的範圍和時間;
- 在共享屏幕後立即結束會議並登出軟件或平台。
司法警察局 – 警情通告
服 務 中 心
位置 : 中央教學樓東5座(E5)二樓2085室 (電子地圖)
電話 : 8822 8600
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