“Macau Tung Sin Tong Charitable Society” Exhibition Guided Tour (1Smart Point and 10 CS)
澳門同善堂"同歌善舉: 一百三十年的善堂回憶歷史專題展"導賞團 (1粒至叻星及10CS)
為推動本澳公益服務,積極推動本澳歷史文化的發展,學生事務部應澳門同善堂的邀請參觀”同歌善舉: 一百三十年的善堂回憶歷史專題展”。詳情如下,歡迎有興趣的同學報名。
To promote charity service and the development of Macao’s history and culture, “Macau Tung Sin Tong Charitable Society” invites UM members to join a guided tour of the historical exhibition. Welcome all UM students to join, details are shown as follows:
日期 Date:2023年4月12日 (星期三 Wed)
時間 Time:14:30-16:30
地點 Venue:澳門同善堂 Macau Tung Sin Tong Charitable Society
對象 Target:澳大學生 UM students
人數 No. of participants:20
語言 Language:普通話 Mandarin
報名 Registration :https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eVFzfMh3FNuxpH0
截止報名日期: 2023年4月7日
Registration deadline: 4 Mar 2022
提供車輛接送安排.人數有限, 未能成功報名者將列為候補
Transportation arrangements will be provided. Unsuccessful applications will be queued up on the waiting list.
Participating students will be awarded 1 SAO smart point and 10 CS on “Responsible Citizenship ” in Whole Person Development Award Programme
查詢 Enquiry:
電話 Tel: 88224641
電郵 Email: lavinacheong@um.edu.mo
Student Affairs Office