The Comic series of Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship 【創出新天 – Episode 1】
澳大創新創業中心系列漫畫出爐啦! 【創出新天 - 第一集】
ETERNAL STORY, LTD. is an incubation team of the University of Macau’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
The following comic series, 「創出新天」 , was created by ETERNAL STORY, LTD., originally. ETERNAL STORY, LTD. was established in 2021. It is a multi-faceted firm in the cultural and creative industry, aims to promote Macau local culture. Business of whom covers the field in creating literary fiction, painting original comics, producing film and television, selling peripheral product and incubating IP. “Story Never Die Studio” aims to fully explore and develop the possibility of Macau creative market and insists on speaking with fascinating Macau local story.
創出新天 – 第一集 Episode 1
故事簡述:阿新 (一位澳大新生) 的創業故事發生在某天看似平凡卻充滿驚喜的夏季裡。某天,阿新被亮眼的青年創業廣告牌吸引住了目光,當時他心裡覺得青年創業是多麼遙遠。時間一晃來到十月,澳門大學舉行新學期的屬會周。屬會周現場人潮湧湧,阿新遊走在不同的協會攤位間,他在校園裡閒逛,並偶然間來到創新創業中心。中心剛好正在舉辦活動,圍滿了和阿新年紀相仿的同學,他們正在為自己的新發明娓娓道來,耳邊接連不斷的創業項目介紹激發了阿新對創業的好奇,最終他奮勁遞交了創新營的報名表。
Abstract: Xin’s (a UM freshman) entrepreneurial story unfolded on a seemingly ordinary summer day full of surprises. One day, Xin was drawn to the eye-catching youth entrepreneurship billboard. He realized how far away youth entrepreneurship was at the time. Fast forward to October, while the University of Macau hosting the new semester’s Affiliate Week. There were a large number of students. Xin explored the various associations’ booths. He was wandering around campus when he happened upon the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The center happened to host an event, and it was crowded with peers. They were discussing their new inventions. The various introduction of entrepreneurial projects in their ears piqued Xin’s interest in entrepreneurship. Eventually, he submit the registration form for the innovation camp.

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Created by:Story Never Die Studio
More information about Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
Incubation Team:
Application for Incubation: