[External Activity] FDM will organize an information session to talk about FDM Consultant’s career in China (Date: 28 Jun)
[校外活動] FDM 將舉辦FDM顧問在中國的職涯分享會(日期:6月28日)
The following information is provided by FDM and posted by Student Affairs Office.
Dear students,
FDM has some exciting news to share with you that will greatly benefit Chinese international students who are considering returning to China to pursue a career in the tech industry after their studies.
FDM is hosting another Information Session and this time they have arranged for their talented FDM Consultants currently working on exciting tech projects on client side. They will give students a glimpse into the life of an FDM Consultant and share tips on how to unlock their career in China.
FDM has planned an hour filled with practical information shared by their experts:
- FDM Introduction
- Meet two FDM Consultants currently placed with their clients in China
- The FDM recruitment process
- Q&A
Details of the info session:
- Date & Time: Wednesday 28th June 2023 │ 19:00 – 20:00 (Beijing Time)
- Platform: Virtual on Zoom
- Language: Mandarin
- Registration: https://fdmgroup.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nDyrvIKtQIyrxs4PZrEDCQ#/registration
- More information in WeChat: Link
Career Development Centre
Student Counselling Section
Student Affairs Office