Starting from 9 a.m. 13 November 2023, all systems will not accept [] login
由2023年11月13日上午9時開始 所有系統將不再接受以 [] 舊格式登入

To : All Users
If you are still using the old format [] to log into any of the following services or applications, please note that starting from 9:00 a.m. on November 13, 2023, you will need to follow the relevant steps below.
Service / Application | Steps |
Wireless Network * |
eduroam |
UMPASS Authentication Service |
Staff Email Service / UM@Connect |
Office 365 ProPlus |
Microsoft OneDrive |
Microsoft OneNote |
* ICTO sends individual email to affected users.
We thank you for your attention and are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact our Help Desk.
Help Desk
Location : Room 2085, 2/F, Central Teaching Building (E5), eMap
Telephone : 8822 8600
Email :
Information and Communication Technology Office
如果您仍在使用舊格式 [] 登入以下的服務或應用程式,請注意從2023年11月13日的上午9:00開始,您將需要按照下列相關步驟進行。
服務 / 應用程式 | 步驟 |
無線網絡服務 * |
eduroam |
UMPASS認證服務 |
職員電郵服務 / UM@Connect |
Office 365 ProPlus |
Microsoft OneDrive |
Microsoft OneNote |
* ICTO 向受影響的使用者發送單獨的電子郵件。
位置 : 中央教學樓東5座(E5) 2085室 (電子地圖)
電話 : 8822 8600
電郵 :