[Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office] Career Insider (2): Prepare for your job-hunting in advance
[學生事務部 生涯發展中心] 就業情報 (二):提前為你的求職做準備

Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office presents 學生事務部 生涯發展中心呈獻
Career Insider (2) 就業情報 (二)
Prepare for your job-hunting in advance
Job hunting should be well prepared in advance and should not wait until the last moment before graduation. This will help you avoid the pressure of time constraints that could affect your job search progress. Here are some suggestions to help you better prepare:
- Write Cover Letters and Resumes: Cover letters and resumes are essential materials to showcase your abilities to potential employers. Ensure that your cover letter provides a personalized introduction and highlights your understanding of the applied position, your unique qualities, and your career aspirations. The resume should be detailed yet concise, emphasizing clarity and brevity.
- Verify Qualification Certificates: Check that you have all the necessary qualification certificates, such as certificates of English language proficiency. If you lack any certificates, make sure to seize the opportunity to take the exams in the last year before graduation.
- Stay Updated on Industry Developments: Keep an eye on the trends and developments in the industries you are interested in working. Many large companies periodically release job information. Stay informed by following these companies’ websites or social media platforms.
- Maintain Connections: Stay in touch with alumni who are employed in relevant industries. Their experiences can help you understand the job situations in these fields.
These preparation measures will assist you in presenting yourself effectively in the competitive job market, increasing your chances of obtaining your ideal position. Best of luck in finding a satisfying job!
- 撰寫求職信與履歷表:求職信與履歷表是你向僱主展示自己能力的重要材料。確保求職信有個人化的介紹,並突顯你對應聘職位的理解、個性特質和職業抱負。履歷表則需要詳盡但簡潔,強調清晰度和簡明性。
- 確認資格證書:檢查是否已經準備好所需的各項資格證書,如證明英語能力的各項考試證書。如果還缺少某些證書,請盡早抓緊畢業前最後一年參加考試的機會。
- 關注行業發展:留意有興趣入職的相關行業發展動向。許多大公司會不定期發佈招聘資訊,可以通過關注這些公司的網站或社交平台,及時掌握最新的就業資訊。
- 保持聯繫:與在相關行業就職的校友保持聯繫,他們的經驗可以幫助你了解相關行業的工作情況。
Looking for job opportunities? You are welcome to log on to the “UM Student Job Vacancy E-system “ (https://isw.um.edu.mo/umsjv/) to find the latest employment information, including full-time and part-time jobs. The system is updated irregularly, so you are encouraged to check for job vacancies from time to time. You can also subscribe to the system’s update notification.
正尋找工作機會?歡迎你登入「澳大學生職位空缺系統」 (https://isw.um.edu.mo/umsjv/),尋找最新的就業資訊,包括全職和兼職。系統會不定期更新,建議你不時登入系統查看最新職位空缺資料,你也可以訂閱系統的更新通知。