Safe School Network Bulletin by Judiciary Police


Dear students,

Chinese New Year is approaching, the Youth Concern Group of the Judiciary Police would like to send our greetings to all students, wishing you a Happy New Year and may you all be healthy and successful!
Lunar Festival is the golden period for traveling. Since all borders have fully reopened, many residents may choose to spend their holidays abroad, rendering their homes attractive targets for burglars. As such, the Judiciary Police would like to remind you to be extra careful and take necessary precautions to safeguard your house. While traveling, remain vigilant at all times to eliminate opportunities for criminals.
We also kindly remind students to play with fireworks only at locations and within time frames designated by the government so you will not set fire unintentionally and commit arson.
Theft prevention tips for the holiday season:
1. When traveling abroad, please request your family, friends, or neighbors to empty your mailbox so that criminals will not realize your house is empty.
2. Avoid keeping too much cash or luxury items at home and make sure all doors and windows are safely locked.
3. If supply of water and electricity suddenly halts, immediately contact your apartment manager to accompany you to check out the situation.
4. Make sure your possessions are within sight when you are out attending activities.
5. Keep valuables e.g. wallet, phone, etc. in indiscernible places such as inner pockets of your clothes so they are out of criminals’ reach.
6. Be alert when someone approaches you on purpose.
7. The better you keep your belongings, the less likely you will be victimized.

The Youth Concern Group Community Policing and Public Relations
Division of the Judiciary Police



農曆新年將至,司法警察局關注少年組謹向學生致以節日問候, 祝大家新年快樂、身體健康、工作順利、學業進步!

新春佳節正是外遊度歲的黃金檔期,再加上現時本澳己全面通關,相信不少市民 都會選擇外遊度歲,此時賊人亦伺機蠢蠢欲動。在此,司法警察局特別提醒各位需加強防罪意識,外遊前做好家居防盜措施,遊玩期間亦須時刻提高警惕,勿讓不法份子有機可乘。

此外,亦溫馨提醒同學們如要體驗爆竹煙花耍樂活動,切勿在政府指定燃放區及 時段以外進行,以免不小心釀成火警而觸犯刑法。


  1. 如外出旅遊,請親友或鄰居代為清理信箱中的信件,並把家中電話的鈴聲調 低,免讓不法之徒發現屋內無人;
  2. 避免於家中存放過多現金或貴重物品,外出前要鎖好門窗及窗花;
  3. 如家中突然停水停電,應立即聯絡管理處或找人陪同前往查看;
  4. 外出活動時,切勿讓財物離開自己的視線範圍;
  5. 錢包、手機等貴重物品應放在衣服內袋等賊人不易觸及的地方;
  6. 如發現任何人故意靠近,須提高警覺;
  7. 緊記錢財不可露眼,減低被賊人盯上的機會。

