《Law on the Control of Dangerous Substances》is effective from 23 August 2023
Dear Colleagues and Students,
The Macao SAR Law No. 12/2022 regarding 《Law on the Control of Dangerous Substances》is effective from 23 August 2023. This law sets out a general system for the supervision, monitoring and overseeing of dangerous goods and the prevention of serious accidents that may occur when dangerous goods are possessed, manufactured, sold, transported, stored or used in any other form. At the same time, the “Administrative Supervision System of Dangerous Goods” and the “Severe Accident Damage Prevention System” were developed, and a monitoring system that combined “supervision” and “prevention” was implemented to ensure the safety of people and property, and to prevent damage to human health and the environment.
Relevant laws infographic (Chinese only):https://www.fsm.gov.mo/cbRjcsp/document.aspx
Relevant laws and regulations (Portuguese and Chinese only):https://www.fsm.gov.mo/cbRjcsp/law.aspx
Thank you for your attention.
Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs
澳門特別行政區 第12/2022號法律《危險品監管法律制度》已於2023年8月23日起生效實施。這法律訂定了監管、監測及監察危險品和預防危險品在持有、製造、銷售、運輸、儲存或以任何其他形式使用時可能發生嚴重意外事故的一般制度。同時制定了”危險品的行政監管體系”及”預防嚴重意外事故損害體系”,落實”監管”及”預防”相結合的監控制度,以保障人身及財產安全,以及防止對人體健康和環境的損害。