“Macao and the World Seminar Series: Prof. Geoffrey Charles Gunn” successfully co-hosted by CMS and IAS

“澳門與世界系列研討會——澳門大學傑出訪問學者Geoffrey C. Gunn教授”座談會成功舉辦

On 13 September, Prof. Geoffrey Charles Gunn, the University of Macau Distinguished Visiting Scholar, attended the “Macao and the World Seminar Series: Prof. Geoffrey Charles Gunn”. The seminar is co-organized by the Centre for Macau Studies 澳門研究中心(CMS), and the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) 人文社科高等研究院 of the University of Macau. The topic of the seminar is “Writing Biography; A Missing Essay on Confucianism by Ho Chi Minh”. Shaoyang Lin, Head of Academic Programme and Publication of Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Zhong Chen, Deputy Director of the Confucius Institute, Tak Wing Ngo, Professor of Faculty of Social Sciences, Paul Spooner, academic scholar of history,  Agnes Lam, Director of Centre for Macau Studies, Angel Tang, Associate Director (administration) of Centre for Macau Studies, attended the seminar.


Prof. Gunn shared his viewpoint about whether Ho Chi Minh is esteemed a tradition of patriotism over strict fidelity to communist internationalism, the recovery from the Russian archives of an apparently unpublished piece of writing titled “La Piété Filiale Chinoise” [Chinese Filial Piety] from around 100 years ago adds a valuable resource to his thin writings on this subject.  Seeking first to establish the provenance of the writing, the discussion then examines Ho Chi Minh’s own Confucian upbringing.  Two additional known articles that he penned on Confucianism are examined, while a conclusion seeks to interpret Ho Chi Minh’s thought on the Confucian tradition and social praxis in his time.   


澳門大學澳門研究中心和人文社科高等研究院於2023年9月13日合辦“澳門與世界系列研討會——文本傳記:一份胡志明所撰之散失的儒學文獻”,是次研討會由澳門大學澳傑出訪問學者、澳門研究中心客席教授岡恩( Geoffrey C. Gunn)主講,澳大人文社科高等研究院學術項目與刊物主任林少陽教授、孔子學院副院長陳忠教授、社會科學學院吳德榮教授、歷史學者Paul Spooner博士、澳門研究中心主任林玉鳳教授、副主任鄧安琪博士,以及一眾相關學者、研究員出席和參與討論。

在研討會中,岡恩教授分享了他的觀點,即不管胡志明被人們視為傳統愛國主義者多於第三國際的忠誠支持者,從俄羅斯檔案館中發現的一份約百年前的未刊文獻“La Piété Filiale Chinoise”(中國孝道),都能為這個較為薄弱的研究主題補充重要的資料。在岡恩教授的討論中,他先對該文獻的出處、胡志明的個人儒學素養作出分享,再結合兩篇胡志明所撰寫的儒學文章作出討論,試圖以此闡釋胡志明其時在儒家傳統和社會實踐的思想。