[Mental Health Tips] The Power of Growth Mindset

[心理健康小貼士] 揭示成長型思維的力量














  • 接受挑戰:不要害怕面對困難或挑戰,相信自己可以通過努力克服它們。
  • 積極學習:持續學習新知識和技能,並尋找機會不斷提高自己。
  • 擁抱失敗:將失敗視為學習的機會,從中吸取經驗教訓,不要因為失敗而氣餒。
  • 培養自我肯定:相信自己的潛力,並相信努力和學習能夠帶來成功。
  • 尋求幫助:不要害怕尋求他人的協助和指導,與他人分享知識和經驗。


The Power of Growth Mindset

Have you heard of growth mindset?

Growth mindset is a belief that our abilities and talents can be continuously improved through hard work, learning, and reflection. This mindset encourages individuals to pursue challenges, accept failure, and seek opportunities to learn from mistakes. The core belief of growth mindset is that abilities are not fixed, but can be developed and improved through sustained effort and learning.

The limitations of fixed mindset

Before we embark on the journey to shift to growth mindset, let us first understand fixed mindset. It is a belief that our abilities are fixed and unchangeable, which limits our growth and development.

The following examples will help to clarify the difference between growth mindset and fixed mindset:

Growth mindset: Imagine a student named Ming who has growth mindset. He believes that his abilities can be continuously improved through hard work and learning. When he faces a difficult math problem, he will actively explore solutions and seek help from others to learn from his mistakes. For Ming, challenges and failures are opportunities for growth, and he will never give up easily. Ming often participates in math competitions and discussion groups, and he is always willing to share knowledge and experiences, which gives him a sense of growth and satisfaction. He is passionate about learning and is full of confidence, which has led to his outstanding achievements in mathematics.

Fixed mindset: Now, let us switch scenes and meet another student named Hua, who has fixed mindset. She believes that abilities are fixed and cannot be changed through effort. When Hua faces a difficult math problem, she feels frustrated and helpless. She is afraid of challenges and risks, and worries about making mistakes and failing. Hua lacks confidence in her abilities, so she is reluctant to participate in competitions or discussion groups, for fear that her weaknesses will be exposed. This mindset limits her learning and growth, and severely hinders her ability to reach her full potential.

The power of growth mindset

Growth mindset has been widely advocated in the fields of education and personal development. It can help students build confidence, encourage them to pursue higher academic achievements, and develop problem-solving skills. In addition, growth mindset can help improve individuals’ resilience to setbacks, as it emphasizes that challenges and failures are a part of growth, rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Habits for developing growth mindset

To shift to growth mindset, we can start by cultivating the following habits and beliefs:
• Accept challenges: Don’t be afraid of facing difficulties or challenges, and believe that you can overcome them through hard work.
• Be actively learning: Continuously learn new knowledge and skills, and seek opportunities to continuously improve yourself.
• Embrace failure: See failure as an opportunity to learn, learn from it, and don’t be discouraged by failure.
• Build self-confidence: Believe in your potential, and believe that hard work and learning can lead to success.
• Seek help: Don’t be afraid to seek help and guidance from others, and share knowledge and experiences with others.

In conclusion, growth mindset is a powerful mindset that can help us achieve greater success, reach our full potential, and build healthier learning and lifestyle. 
