UM students carry out an industrial tour of the Greater Bay Area to start their future career journey


Students visit Gree Electric Co., Ltd.

Students visited product showrooms, temperature control equipment components
and energy interconnected zero-carbon homes

Students visit Gree Electric Co., Ltd.

Students visit the showroom of Yuanguang Software Co., Ltd.

Engineers of Yuanguang Software share with ECE students

Students from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the Faculty of Science and Technology embarked on an exciting industrial visit recently. The purpose of this visit was to showcase the innovative technologies in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, allow students to experience the work environment, and gain a deeper understanding of career prospects. It aimed to align with the policies of the Macao SAR Government, actively integrating into the development of the Greater Bay Area, and attracting more local talents to start businesses and seek employment in the Greater Bay Area.

This journey included visits to Gree Electric Appliances Inc. and Yuanguang Software Co., Ltd., both headquartered in Zhuhai. These two companies are leading technology engineering companies in China and even globally, known for their advanced technologies and high-quality products. The students first visited Gree’s product exhibition hall, witnessing the automated operations in Gree’s production process and experiencing their smart home appliances. The students were deeply impressed by the efficiency and precision of the products and were curious about the applications of carbon-neutral homes. As for Yuanguang, being a mainstream domestic digital service information technology company, it serves various industries including digital enterprises, smart energy, and creative platforms. Apart from gaining insights into the core technologies driving the development of smart cities, the students also got to know the latest technology research projects and ongoing innovative work through the visit and introductions.

This industrial visit provided valuable learning experiences, enabling the students to gain a deeper understanding of technological innovation and research and development in the Greater Bay Area. It instilled them with stronger confidence in their future careers and the development prospects of the Greater Bay Area. Through interactions and on-site observations with industry professionals, they gained a better understanding of the advanced operational models, potentials, and the demand for occupational skills in the Greater Bay Area. It also allowed students to set clear goals for their future development.


是次未來職業之旅包括參觀格力電器股份有限公司 (下稱格力) 以及遠光軟件有限公司 (下稱遠光) 位於珠海的總部。這兩家企業都是全國乃至全球領先的科技工程公司,以其先進的技術和高品質的產品而聞名。學生們首先參觀格力的產品展示廳,並親身目睹格力在生產過程中的自動化操作,以及體驗了其先進的温控家電產品。對高效且精確的產品學生們記憶猶深,並對零碳家居的應用充滿好奇。而遠光軟件園作為國內主流的數字服務信息技公司,服務涵蓋數位企業、智慧能源、信創平台等,學生除了可以了解發展智慧城市的核心技術外,透過參觀介紹,學生們還可見識到最新的技術研發專案和正在進行的創新工作。
