Beware of Ransomware Attacks

資訊安全警示 Information Security Alert
To: All colleagues
As informed by the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP), recently some organizations in nearby regions have been attacked by ransomware, resulting in the leakage of personal information and other sensitive data. Ransomware and malicious programs are evolving rapidly in recent days, please be vigilant and take the following measures:
- If you receive a suspicious URL or file attachment via email or other channels, do not click to open it, and you should delete the content immediately and report it to ICTO;
- Avoid using unauthorized software;
- Do not stop or uninstall anti-virus software or anti-malware software in your office computer;
- Do not stop the auto-update computer program in your office computer;
- Avoid browsing any untrusted websites;
- Keep your identification and authorization tools for accessing IT network and computer systems properly, and avoid disclosing passwords to others.
- How to download and install software in a secure manner?
- Basic Knowledge of Online Safety and Security
- Other Information Security Tips
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact ICTO Help Desk.
ICTO Help Desk
Location : Room 2085, 2/F, Central Teaching Building (E5), eMap
Telephone : 8822 8600
email :
Information and Communication Technology Office
- 如收到經電郵或其他途徑附載的可疑網址或檔案,切勿點擊打開,並應馬上把內容刪除及通知資訊及通訊科技部;
- 避免使用未經授權的軟件;
- 不得停止或解除安裝辦公電腦設備內的防電腦病毒軟件或防惡意程式軟件;
- 不得停止辦公電腦設備內的電腦程式自動更新功能;
- 避免瀏覽任何不信任的網站;
- 妥善保管訪問資訊網絡和電腦系統的身份識別和權限工具,避免向他人透露密碼。
服 務 中 心
位置 : 中央教學樓東5座(E5)二樓2085室 (電子地圖)
電話 : 8822 8600
電郵 :