UM FHS Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Spectacular Talent Show


The University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) marked a decade of excellence and innovation with a captivating talent show organised by FHS Student Association as part of its 10th anniversary celebrations. The event, held at the Student Activity Centre E31, revealed the incredible talents of students, academic and staff in a night filled with music, dance, art and laughter. The event attracted an audience of around 300 people who enjoyed a memorable and joyful night.

The talent show kicked off with an uproarious poem recital performance by a team of students, quickly followed by a wonderful display of exquisite photos taken by Prof. Hanming SHEN, Associate Dean (Teaching) of FHS. A mesmerizing performance by renowned local band Urban Forest Band, a masterful rap performance by Daryl, and a terrific two-part violin performance by none other than Prof. Chuxia DENG, Dean of FHS, reminding everyone that the greatest scientific minds were also inspired by their love for the music. The evening continued with remarkable dance performances, mesmerising vocal performances, a vivacious drum solo performance, etc., leaving the crowd astounded. After a frantic round of voting, CKpopC Dance Troupe received the most votes casted by the audience and was crowned the champion of the night, taking home MOP 2,000 in prize money. In addition, a plethora of valuable gifts were given to the audience through several lucky draws.

The talent show not only highlighted the diverse range of talents within FHS but also served as a celebration of the collaborative and vibrant academic community that has thrived at FHS over the past decade. The talent show was a resounding success, providing an unforgettable evening of entertainment and inspiration. This remarkable event showcased the immense talent and creativity that exists within the Faculty, and helps connect internally and creates a strong bond together to see off the past decade and look forward to scale new heights in the second decennium of FHS. Other guests who attended the talent show included Prof. Chengzhong XU, Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology; Mr. Paul PANG, Dean of Students; Prof. Renhe XU, Associate Dean (Research) of FHS; Prof. Victoria Lai Cheng LEI, Assistant Dean (Student Affairs) of Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Prof. Xuanjun ZHANG, Assistant Dean (Student Affairs) of FHS.

澳門大學健康科學學院學生會舉辦了一場精彩的才藝大賽,作為學院十週年活動系列之一,慶祝學院十年來的卓越成就和科研創新。多名學生、教授及職員於學生活動中心 E31的舞台上傾力演出,展現各式各樣的「 絕技 」,讓大約300名現場觀眾度過了一個難忘而歡樂的晚上。     

才藝表演在一群活潑俏皮的學生甚具創意的詩歌朗誦表演中拉開帷幕,緊接著是副院長(教學)沈漢明,他展示其為澳大所拍攝的「倩影」,每一張照片都令人讚嘆不已。隨後是本地著名樂團「Urban Forest Band」熱情澎湃的演奏、饒舌歌手Daryl的嘻哈音樂,以及院長鄧初夏巧手拉奏小提琴,沁人心脾,博得全場熱烈掌聲。他顯示了科學家和藝術家的雙重特質可以完美融合,偉大的科學家亦可擁有超高的音樂造詣。當晚精彩豐富的表演還包括激情四射的女團舞蹈、繞樑三日的聲樂表演、技驚四座的爵士鼓獨奏等,表演者傾情演出,施展渾身解數,令全場歡呼聲四起。經過現場觀眾激烈的投票後,CKpopC舞蹈團獲得最多的票數,奪得當晚冠軍,捧走澳門幣2,000元的獎金。此外,整晚還不斷穿插抽獎活動,多名現場觀眾獲贈精美禮品。
