Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College and Choi Kai Yau College visited the Macau Judicial Police School




A group of students from Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College and Choi Kai Yau College visited the Macau Judicial Police School on 13 September 2023. The activity aims to strengthen students’ knowledge of the Macau Judiciary Police, and the delegation was warmly welcomed by the Judicial Police. This activity is composed of explanations, visits, and experiences. First, the representative from the Judicial Police School introduced the functions, organizational structure, sharing of real cases, and fraud prevention tips to the students. Furthermore, students were arranged to visit a moot court and popularize the knowledge of Macau courts. They also visited teaching facilities rooms, like the fingerprint collection room and on-site investigation room, the visit was interesting and exciting. Students gained a lot from the activity, increasing their awareness of abiding by the law but also increasing their understanding of Macao’s judicial work, and broadening their social horizons.