Addition of Breakfast Package Service and Room Rates Adjustment for UM Guest House Effective from 9/11/2023




房型 每晚房費(含早餐)
標準雙人房 澳門元 800
高級雙人房 / 標準雙床房 / 無障礙雙床房 澳門元 900
貴賓套房 澳門元 2,100

1. 早餐服務及新收費僅適用於2023年11月9日及之後確認的預訂。
2. 如於以上生效日期之前已獲確認的預訂訪客希望享用早餐服務,請與學生資源處聯繫,登記及補回差價。



聚賢樓申請表 (澳大屬下單位及教職員)(申請表需要在瀏覽器中打開)

聚賢樓申請表 (澳大學生)(申請表需要在瀏覽器中打開)

電話:8822 4156 或 8822 8397 (辦公室時間)

Dear Colleagues and Students,

Starting from 9/11/2023, UM Guest House will provide the breakfast service for guests, and there is an adjustment on the nightly room rate. Below are the details of the new room rates:

Room Type Nightly Rate (breakfast included)
Standard Double Room MOP 800
Superior Double Room / Standard Twin Room /
Accessible Twin Room
MOP 900
VIP Suite MOP 2,100

1. Breakfast service and new room rates are only applicable to the reservations confirmed on or after 9/11/2023.
2. If the guests with confirmed reservations prior to the above effective date would like to have the breakfast service, please contact the Student Resources Section to register and pay for the price difference.

Reservation Procedure of UM Guest House

UM units, staff and students can apply directly online to make room reservations for University visitors of UM Guest House. Applicants are required to fill in the purpose of visit, e.g. participating in University activity, visitation and exchange, understanding student’s campus life, etc. Staff and students may also apply for accommodation for academic, research or special needs.

Applicants will be able to make room reservations directly by completing the online reservation form after logging in. After confirming the guest’s related information, the Student Resources Section will send an email to confirm the reservation.

UM Guest House Application Form (UM Staff) (The application form needs to be opened in a browser)

UM Guest House Application Form (UM Student) (The application form needs to be opened in a browser)

For enquiry and reservation about UM Guest House, please feel free to contact the Student Resources Section:
Tel.: 8822 4156, 8822 8397 (office hour)
UM Guest House website:
UM Guest House promotion leaflet: PDF file