News Clipping and Photo Sharing: UM Mental Health Awareness Month Activities was held successfully




每年的10月10 日為世界精神健康日,為響應世界衛生組織的號召,促進學生心理健康,學生事務部心理輔導中心以「心理健康,你值得擁有」為主題,舉辦了澳大心理健康月系列活動,並得到十所書院、學生會心理學會以及認知及腦科學研究中心支持,舉辦了二十多項豐富多元的活動,包括精神健康急救課程、壓力與情緒管理講座、自我和解工作坊、心理健康讀書會、心理健康微電影、靜觀體驗、兩性關係、藝術療癒工作坊、以及心理健康演講比賽等。




UM Mental Health Awareness Month was successfully held

The Psychological Counselling Centre of the Student Affairs Office, with CKPC, CYTC, CKLC, CKYC, PJC, LCWC, MLC, MCMC, SPC, SEAC, Psychological Society of University of Macau Student Union, and the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Science, organized the second UM Mental Health Awareness Month. The series of activities were successfully held in October 2023.

October 10th each year is World Mental Health Day. In response to the call of the World Health Organization to promote student mental health, The Psychological Counselling Centre of the Student Affairs Office, under the theme “Mental health is a universal human right”, hosted the UM Mental Health Awareness Month series of events. With the support of ten residential colleges, Psychological Society of University of Macau Student Union, and the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Science, over twenty diverse activities were held, including mental health first aid courses, stress and emotion management lectures, self-reconciliation workshops, mental health book clubs, mental health microfilms, mindfulness experiences, gender relations, art therapy workshops, and mental health public speaking contest, etc.

The Mental Health Awareness Month series of events attracted more than 500 UM students. The second UM Mental Health Public Speaking Contest attracted widespread attention from teachers and students. The competition attracted students from all faculty of the university to register enthusiastically. Twelve students stood out from the fierce preliminary selection. In the finals, all contestants performed excellently, not only emphasizing the importance of mental health in their speeches but also sharing how they take care of their mental health in daily life. In the end, ZHANG LINGXIAO, a student from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Moon Chun Memorial College, won the championship with his humorous interpretation and unique perspective. The runner-up was WANG YIQUAN from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Cheong Kun Lun College, and the second runner-up was ZHANG CHENERYUE from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Shiu Pong College.

Students who participated in the event said they gained a lot, learned about the importance of mental health through the event, learned various methods to regulate emotions and stress, and paid more attention to their own and others’ mental health. In the future, the Psychological Counselling Centre will continue to host various types of mental health promotion activities to provide students with more opportunities for learning and growth.