The FBA-BRTC hosts the 5th Professional Training on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the Professional Committee of Accountants of Macau
工商管理學院商業研究及培訓中心為澳門會計師專業委員會舉辦第五期國際財務報告準則 (IFRS) 專業培訓
The Business Research and Training Center (BRTC) of the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA), University of Macau (UM) has concluded its 5th batch of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) professional training. The sessions were conducted across three successive weekends in May 2024 on the university’s campus.
This latest series focused on the standard relating to Insurance Contracts (IFRS 17), which highlights significant changes in new reporting treatment on insurance liabilities. The series also demonstrates how IFRS 17 could improve the reliability and transparency in reporting insurance contracts.
The executive training was conducted by seasoned IFRS instructor, Mr. Derek Chan, from the University of Macau. The event attracted a diverse audience of around 40 participants, including top executives from insurance firms, auditors, partners, and senior managers from Big 4 and local accounting entities, financial analysts, as well as practitioners from the public and utilities sectors.
With the full adoption of IFRS 17 yet to occur in Macau, this training is the joint effort of BRTC and Professional Committee of Accountants (CPC) to preemptively equip accounting professionals in Macau with the necessary knowledge and skills to cope with the upcoming enforcement of these international standards. Moving forward, the FBA-BRTC of UM is expected to organize more IFRS training programs, fostering continued advancement in financial reporting practices within Macau and cultivating modern financial talents so as to support Macau SAR’s “1+4” Diversified Development Strategy.
本次培訓系列的重點在於與保險合同(IFRS 17)相關的報告準則上,該準則在衡量和報告保險負債方面帶來了重大變革。IFRS 17的關鍵影響在於提高了保險合同報告的可靠性和透明度,減少了與保險相關計算方面的差異。
由於澳門尚未全面採用 IFRS 17,此次培訓是 BRTC 和澳門會計師專業委員會 (CPC) 的共同努力,旨在預先為會計專業人士裝備必要的知識及技能,以在應付未來即將實施的國際標準。展望未來,澳門大學工商管理學院商業研究及培訓中心預計將舉辦更多國際財務報告準則培訓課程,以促進澳門財務報告實踐的持續進步,培養現代金融人才,助力澳門特區經濟1+4適度多元發展。