UM-SHMDF Distinguished Scholars Forum 2023 on 8 November (Wed)

澳門大學–何鴻燊博士醫療拓展基金會“揚帆追夢、創啟未來”資助計劃 2023傑出學者論壇 (11月8日 (三))

Date: 8 November 2023 (Wed)
Time: 14:30-17:00
Venue: N1 Multi-function Hall (N1-G014), UM
Language: English


UM and Dr. Stanley Ho Medical Development Foundation established a designated fund titled “Set Sail for New Horizons, Create the Future” Grant which was first opened for applications in 2021, aiming to support the nurturing of talents in the areas of health sciences and big data healthcare applications and to support young scholars to venture into innovation and breakthroughs in their research areas.

UM and the Foundation have jointly held the Distinguished Scholars Forum for the grantees to share their research achievements under the grant programme since 2022. Experts and scholars from China and abroad have also been invited to deliver talks on their latest research results. This year, in addition to the sharing of the grantees, we are very honoured to invite Prof. Gang LI, Professor of Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and to share his latest research accomplishments.

The Distinguished Scholars Forum provides a platform for experts and scholars to showcase the latest research progress and applications, as well as an opportunity for researchers and students to interact and explore collaboration with distinguished scholars.

For more information of the Distinguished Scholars Forum, please visit the official website.

Upon queries, please feel free to contact: Ms. Samantha LAM (Tel: +853 8822 4296, email: or Ms. Belinda LONG (Tel: +853 8822 4892, email:

日期: 2023年11月8日 (星期三)
時間: 14:30-17:00
地點: 澳門大學聚賢樓地面層多功能廳 (N1-G014)
語言: 英語


為了慶祝澳大建校四十週年,何鴻燊博士醫療拓展基金會設立了一個為期十年,每年捐款100萬澳門元的 “揚帆追夢,創啟未來” 資助計劃,並於2021年首次接受申請,撥出的資助用於支持健康科學及大數據醫療應用兩個範疇的人才培育,支持青年學者在其科研領域,敢於創新探索尋求突破。

由2022年開始,澳大與基金會聯合舉辦 “揚帆追夢,重啟未來” 資助計劃之成果交流論壇,旨在為“揚帆追夢、創啟未來”資助計劃的獲資助者分享研究成果,交流經驗。與此同時,國內外專家學者也受邀作為論壇的演講嘉賓,介紹他們的最新研究。今年,香港中文大學醫學院教授李剛應邀出席論壇,並會分享他最新的科研成就。




如遇垂詢,請聯絡林小姐(電話: +853 8822 4296,電郵或龍小姐(電話:+853 8822 4892,電郵。

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