LCWC Students’ Patriotic and Cultural Trip to the Pearl River Delta Region on 28 to 29 October 2023


為培養澳門大學學生的愛國主義精神和文化交流,並慶祝《中華人民共和國愛國教育法》頒布,呂志和書院於2023年10月28至29日組織了一次中國廣東省珠江三角洲歷史之旅。 這次富有意義的旅行旨在加深學生對我國近代史和廣東省在中華人民共和國成立過程中所發揮的重要作用的了解,進一步提升負責任的公民意識和文化意識。

在為期兩天的行程中,呂志和書院師生參觀了多個著名的紅色革命學習基地,並沉浸在該地區豐富的歷史意義中。 第一天的行程包括參觀孫中山故居紀念館、孫中山研究院、中山民俗博物館、黃埔軍校舊址。 這些標誌性的地標為人們了解革命鬥爭提供了寶貴的見解,為國家獨立鋪平了道路,並凸顯了孫中山先生的領導能力。 第二天,師生遊覽了鴉片戰爭博物館、林則徐博物館、威遠砲台等三處重要古蹟。 透過對這些景點的訪問,學生們全面了解了國家在衝突時期所面臨的挑戰以及中國人民捍衛主權的頑強精神。

這次旅行非常成功,並成為培養愛國精神和增強學生對中華傳統的自豪感的催化劑。 讓我們的學生了解珠江三角洲地區的歷史意義和廣東省的豐富文化,有助於他們對自己作為負責任的公民的角色有更廣闊的認識。 隨著我國的不斷進步,這類型的出訪可以激勵我們的年輕一代擁抱我國的優秀傳統,為社會做出有意義的貢獻,並積極參與這段邁向更繁榮的旅程。

In an effort to foster patriotism and cultural engagement among UM students, and celebrate the issue of the “P.R.C. Patriotic Education Law”, Lui Che Woo College (LCWC) organised a historical trip to the Pearl River Delta region in Guangdong Province, China from 28 to 29 October 2023. This meaningful trip aimed to deepen students’ understanding of the nation’s modern history and the vital role played by Guangdong Province in the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and to further promote responsible citizenship and cultural awareness.

In this two-day trip, students and staff of LCWC visited several renowned Red Revolution learning bases and immersed themselves in the rich historical significance of the region. On the first day, the itinerary included visits to the Sun Yat-sen Former Residence Memorial Hall, Sun Yat-sen Research Institute, Zhongshan Folk Museum, and The Former Site of Whampoa Military Academy. These iconic landmarks provided valuable insights into the revolutionary struggles that paved the way for the nation’s independence and highlighted the leadership of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. On the second day, the group explored three important historical sites, such as the Opium War Museum, Lin Zexu Museum, and Weiyuan Fort. Through these visits, students gained a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by the nation during times of conflict and the tenacity displayed by the Chinese people in defending their sovereignty.

The trip was a great success. It served as a catalyst for fostering patriotism and developing a greater sense of pride in our students with regard to their Chinese heritage. By Exposing our students to the historical significance of the Pearl River Delta region and the cultural richness of Guangdong Province,  they gained a broader perspective of their role as responsible citizens. As the People’s Republic of China continues to progress, trips like these can inspire our younger generation to embrace their heritage, contribute meaningfully to the society, and participate actively in the ongoing journey towards a more prosperous future.