New Generation of Macao SAR Resident Smart Identity Card (BIR)


Dear Colleagues,

A new generation of BIR will be made available by DSI from 15 December 2023 (see Annex for the sample). The replacement will be carried out in a natural way.  Macao residents simply need to apply for the renewal of their BIR when it is due to expire in less than six months, and the BIR currently in use will remain valid until its expiry date. Holders with a BIR that has a validity date of “ – – – – – –” (i.e. permanent validity) do not need to replace their BIR.

To enhance the clarity and conciseness of BIR’s appearance, adjustments will be made to the information displayed on the card, information stored in the chip and the OCR lines. To give you a better understanding, the changes in the new BIR are summarised as follows:


  1. The “Date of First Issue”, “Height”, “Code for Place of Birth” and “Name in Chinese Commercial Code” will be removed from the front side of BIR. After adjustment, the card will display:

“ID Number”, “Date of Last Issue”, “Validity Date”, “Cardholder’s Name”, “Date of Birth”, “Sex Code”, “Photo”, “Type of Resident Identity Card”, “Signature” and “OCR lines”.


  1. The “Spouse’s name” will be added to the information stored in the chip. After adjustment, the information in the chip will contain:

“ID Number”, “Date of Last Issue”, “Validity Date”, “Cardholder’s Name”, “ Date of Birth”, “Sex Code”, “Photo”, “Type of Resident Identity Card”, “Date of First Issue”, “Code for Place of Birth”, “Parents’ Names”, “Height”, “Marital Status”, “Spouse’s Name”, the letter “T” (indicating that the cardholder is subject to the residence authorisation of the Macao SAR), “Fingerprint Code”, and other names that are not recorded in the visible information and were originally on the Macao SAR Resident Identity Card.


  1. “Date of First Issue” and “Code for Place of Birth” will be added to the OCR Lines. After adjustment, the OCR Lines will contain:

“Type of Resident Identity Card”, “Place of Issue”, “ID Number”, “Date of First Issue”, “Date of Last Issue”, “Place of Birth”, “Date of Birth”, “Sex”, “Name”, “Whether the Cardholder is a Permanent Resident” and “Verification Code”.


For any enquiries, please contact:

  • Cathy Lin (ext. 8583)
  • Josephine Wu (ext. 8696)



Thank you for your kind attention.

Human Resources Section


Annex : New Generation of Macao SAR Resident Smart Identity Card (BIR)


身份證明局將於2023年12 月15 日起發出新一代智能身份證(式樣詳見附件),換發工作將會以自然方式進行, 居民只須在有效期屆滿前六個月內申請續期便可。目前使用的智能身份證將繼續有效直至其有效期屆滿,如持證人身份證上有效期是“ – – – – – – ”(即永久有效),則無需換證。

為使證件外觀更加簡潔清晰, 新一代智能身份證的卡面資料、晶片資料及光學閱讀代碼會作出調整。為更清晰了解新一代智能身份證的外觀及特徵, 茲簡述如下:


  1. 卡面上刪除首次發出日期、身高、出生地代號及中文姓名的相關電碼。經調整後,新身份證的卡面上載有:



  1. 於晶片內新增配偶姓名。經調整後,新身份證的晶片內存放:



  1. 於光學閱讀代碼中新增首次發出日期及出生地代號。經調整後,新身份證的光學閱讀代碼內容包括:




– 林小姐 (內線:8583)

– 胡小姐 (內線:8696)



順頌  時祺


