“2022/2023 Alumni Mentorship Scheme” Closing Ceremony
「友生啟導計劃」旨在發揚「友生精神」,鼓勵校友回饋母校,並為學生提供更多與社會接觸的機會。本屆成功為超過120位校友及學生進行配對,他們透過參與系列團體活動,互相交流分享經驗,促進師友關係。新一屆計劃將於2023年8月展開招募,歡迎所有校友和學生申請,期待您們的參與,詳情可參閱計劃專頁 。
The closing ceremony of the “Alumni Mentorship Scheme”, which was co-organized by the Alumni and Development Office (ADO) and the Career Development Centre (CDC), was held on 4 February 2023 (Saturday) in the theatre of Student Activity Centre.
Prof. Rui Paulo da Silva Martins, Vice Rector (Global Affairs), expressed his gratitude to the alumni mentors who dedicated their time to help the alma mater to cultivate students, he also encouraged student mentees to learn from their mentors, transforming this mentoring relationship into lifelong friendships. Afterwards, the appreciation certificates, “Outstanding Mentees Award” and the new awards of the year: “Active Participation Award” and “Outstanding Mentor Award” were presented to mentors and mentees respectively.
The “Alumni Mentorship Scheme” aims to encourage alumni to give back to their alma mater while creating opportunities for students to know more about society. This year, more than 120 alumni and students were matched successfully, a series of group activities were organized for them to share experiences with each other and foster friendships. The new batch of the scheme will be opened for application in August 2023, all alumni and students are welcome to apply, you can refer to the scheme’s website for more information.

馬許願教授於結業禮上致辭/Prof. Rui Paulo da Silva Martins gave a speech at the ceremony

大合照 /Group photo

「踴躍參與獎」得獎者/ Awardees of the “Active Participation Award”

「優秀導師獎」得獎者/ Awardees of the “Outstanding Mentor Award”

「優秀學員獎」得獎者/ Awardees of the “Outstanding Mentee Award”