CCE organised Designated Training Course on Humanities and Social Sciences for students of Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College

澳大持續進修中心為義烏工商職業技術學院學生舉辦 “人文社科” 專題培訓課程

澳大持續進修中心為義烏工商職業技術學院學生舉辦 “人文社科” 專題培訓課程

澳門大學持續進修中心於12月4日至5日為來自義烏工商職業技術學院學生舉辧 “人文社科” 專題培訓課程。

為期兩天的培訓課程講述 “公關危機管理” 和 “跨文化交流與全球視野”。這些課程邀請到澳大的資深教授主講,讓學員們體驗了澳大國際化師資的優質教學。他們也參觀了圖書館和大學展館,瞭解澳大環境和感受澳大學生的學習生活。豐富的內容獲得學生們一致的好評。

義烏工商職業技術學院是全國高校實踐育人創新創業基地、全國大學跨境電商人才培養示範校、浙江省高水準學校建設單位、浙江省優質高職院校 、浙江省創業型大學建設試點院校、浙江省創新創業示範基地。


CCE organised Designated Training Course on Humanities and Social Sciences for students of Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College

CCE organised Designated Training Course on Humanities and Social Sciences for students of Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College during 4th to 5th December.

The two-day training covered topics lectured by UM professors, such as Crisis Management, as well as Cross-cultural Communication and Global Perspective. The students also visited UM Wu Yee Sun Library and UM Gallery. Positive feedbacks were received from the students. 

Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College is a national college of practical education and innovation and entrepreneurship base, national cross-border e-commerce talent training demonstration school, high-level vocational school construction unit,  quality vocational college,  entrepreneurial university construction pilot college, innovation and entrepreneurship demonstration base of Zhejiang province.

CCE continues to carry out high-quality training courses to strengthen educational cooperation between UM and universities in mainland.