Information Security Tips (January 2024) – Do not let yourself to be the next victim of phishing scams
資訊安全貼士 (2024年1月號) - 別讓自己成為釣魚詐騙的下一個受害者

To: All Users
Online services have become an indispensable part in our daily life, thus making Internet scams more prevalent and widespread, covering a wide range of areas such as shopping, job hunting, investing, charity, lottery, etc. There is a Cantonese saying, “An old trick is fine, as long as it works” implying that many traditional scams are repackaged in new forms and carried out on the Internet or over the phone. The tactics are constantly changing, making it hard for people to protect.
However, all scams have a common goal, whether they are tricking users to give their account numbers, passwords or personal information, the ultimate goal is money. As long as you raise your security awareness and always “fact‑check”, you can reduce the risk of being scammed. Remember the three key principles to prevent fraud:
- Stay calm and don’t be flustered: Fraudsters often use threatening words over phone, text messages or emails to cause victims to lose their composure and fall into their trap, especially if they claim themselves to be law enforcement, government or bank officials. Just stop and think! Try to buy time to verify the truth of the matter or consult with family and friends.
- Don’t be greedy: Never let the mentality of “Fear of missing out” to blind your judgment. There’s no free lunch in the world. If there’s any promotional sale or investment opportunity, make sure to understand it clearly and verify its authenticity to avoid losing more than you gain.
- Never casually disclose personal information: Personal information is equivalent to money. You should not reveal your personal information casually, as it is not just your data that can ultimately be stolen, but your personal identity, which can then be used to defraud money or engage in illegal activities.
Pay more attention to anti-fraud information and naturally raise your anti-fraud awareness, so that you won’t give fraudsters an opportunity to take advantage. The following are some examples of scam messages:
Pretending to be an instant messaging software notification, with disturbing words. But one thing to note is that the “w” letter in URL is actually impersonated by two “v” letters.
Suspicious text messages from strangers. Scammers may use social engineering scams to carry out all kinds of fraud, they will use the tactic of “played the long game” and communicate with the victim for a long time to win their favor, which means to defraud a large amount of money.
Compromising verification codes is a common method of hijacking other people’s accounts, including communication software, bank transfers, etc. Verification codes are used for personal identity verification or account operation verification, which is a matter of personal privacy, and should not be disclosed. Actually, using someone else’s phone number for verification is completely unreasonable, and the sender’s account may have been compromised.
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact ICTO Help Desk.
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任何騙局萬變不離其宗,誘騙用戶帳號、密碼或個人資料,最終目的離不開騙取受害者的金錢。只要提高安全意識,凡事務必「事實查核Fact Check」,便可減低受騙風險,緊記以下防騙三大原則:
- 保持冷靜,不要慌張:因為騙徒透過電話、短訊或電郵,利用帶有威嚇性言詞,令受害人方寸大亂,因而墮入騙局陷阱。尤其自稱執法部門、政府或銀行。只要停一停!想一想!想辦法借機拖延時間確認事件真偽,或找親友商量。
- 便宜莫貪:千萬不要被「執輸行頭,慘過敗家」的心態蒙蔽頭腦,世上沒有免費午餐,遇到有任何促銷優惠或投資機會,務必不厭其煩了解清楚及查明真偽,以免因小失大。
- 切勿隨便透露個人資料:個人資料等同金錢,財不可以露眼,個人資料亦不應隨便透露,最終被盜用的不是您的資料而是您的個人身份,再被用作詐取金錢或進行不法活動!
假冒即時通訊軟件短訊通知,內容帶有令人不安言詞。但必須注意一點,連結中的“w”字母,其實是由兩個字母 “v”魚目混珠冒充。
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