【Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office】 Further Study Insider (12): How to Prepare for Further Study in your second year

【學生事務部 生涯發展中心】 升學情報(十二):大二學生如何準備升學

Planning your future study in advance can help you shape your career goals. Here are four pieces of step-by-step advice for second-year students on how to prepare for further study:

Explore Your Interests and Goals:

  • Choose a major that aligns with your career aspirations and has versatility across different fields.
  • Select classes that are both interesting and relevant to your desired postgraduate programme.
  • Take upper-division classes that satisfy undergraduate requirements while supporting your further study goals.

Build a Strong Academic Foundation:

  • Maintain a high GPA and strive for excellence in your coursework. Admissions committees often prioritize candidates with a proven track record of academic success.
  • Seek challenging academic opportunities, such as research projects, to demonstrate your commitment and passion for your field of study.

Secure Strong Letters of Recommendation:

  • Attend office hours, actively participate in class discussions, and seek guidance from faculty members on your further study plan. This can help you to build rapport with professors who can write compelling letters for you.

Build a Diverse Skill Set:

  • Develop relevant skills alongside your major, such as programming, data analysis, foreign languages, or leadership and communication abilities.
  • Engage in extracurricular activities, internships, or part-time jobs to foster skill development.



  • 選擇與你職業願景相符且具有跨領域通用性的專業。
  • 選擇你既感興趣又與你期望攻讀的研究生課程相關的課堂。
  • 選修高階課程,在滿足本科要求的同時,又能助你達成升學目標。


  • 保持較高的GPA,並在課業中追求卓越。招生委員會通常優先考慮有持續卓越學業成績的申請者。
  • 尋求具有挑戰性的學術機會,例如研究項目,以展示你對研究領域的投入和熱誠。


  • 經常到訪老師的辦公室請教學術上的問題,積極參加課堂討論,並向老師尋求升學指導。這有助你與教授們建立良好的關係,讓他們能夠為你寫出有說服力的推薦信。


  • 培養與專業相關的技能,如編程、數據分析、外語、或領導和溝通能力。
  • 參與課外活動、實習或兼職工作,以促進技能的發展。