【External Activity】2024 International Internship Programs organized by the Bloom of Youth (Info session: 25 Jan | 14:30 | Zoom)

【校外活動】Bloom of Youth 啟動 2024 國際實習計劃 (簡介會日期: 1月25日 | 14:30 | Zoom)

The following information is provided by the Bloom of Youth and posted by the Student Affairs Office.
以下資料由Bloom of Youth提供,學生事務部代傳。

Dear students,

We are pleased to inform you that Bloom of Youth has launched the 2024 International Physical Internship Program and is now accepting applications.

What is Bloom of Youth?

Bloom of Youth is an international internship program that takes place in England, Spain, Germany, France, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea every winter and summer. Through the program, participants can gain valuable work experience, establish professional references, expand their global network, develop a variety of skills, improve their language, and travel around the world with different cultural exchanges. 

Bloom of Youth has cooperated with all universities in Hong Kong and many of the top universities in Asia including Singapore, China, and Taiwan. A few examples in Hong Kong are the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In the past decade, it has placed over a thousand applicants around the globe. Sharing from past students via: http://thebloomofyouth.com/Testimonial.aspx

To have a better idea about the program and communicate with the organizer, please attend the virtual information session. Details are as follows:

Date: 25/1/2024
Time: 14:30 – 15:30
Format: Zoom Meeting
Registration link for the information session:https://us05web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvcuqorDMqGtPm1-6jD4_PTprRqkJVIwom#/registration 

Please refer to the following links for program details:

  1. Physical Internship Leaflet: HERE
  2. International Physical Program 2024 (Chinese): HERE
  3. International Physical Program 2024 (English): HERE


Please visit the website: http://www.thebloomofyouth.com/
For more, contact Bloom of Youth via e-mail, Skype or call.
Email: info@thebloomofyouth.com
Skype: TheBloomofYouth
Telephone: (+852) 3582-2092 (Mon- Fri 09:00-18:00)

Thank you very much for your attention.

Best regards,
Career Development Centre
Student Counselling Section
Student Affairs Office


茲通知 Bloom of Youth 已啟動2024年國際實習計劃,現已接受申請。

Bloom of Youth 是什麼?

Bloom of Youth 是一個國際實習計劃,為學生提供英國、西班牙、德國、法國、愛爾蘭、澳洲、紐西蘭、日本及南韓的實習體驗。參加者可以從計劃中取得寶貴的實習體驗,發展和建立工作技巧,擴闊社交網絡,增進外語能力,了解外國公司文化,建立專業的履歷為未來升學或就業提升競爭力。Bloom of Youth 提供的實習致力提升學生的多元技能,學以致用。Bloom of Youth 與世界各地的企業合作,同時與多間亞洲頂尖學校合作,包括香港大學、香港中文大學、香港科技大學、香港城市大學及香港理工大學等。學生對實習計劃反應熱列,每年接收超過一千份的報名申請。請瀏覽過往實習生的經驗分享:http://thebloomofyouth.com/Testimonial.aspx


日期: 25/1/2024
時間: 14:30 – 15:30
方式: Zoom Meeting
線上簡介會之報名連結: https://us05web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvcuqorDMqGtPm1-6jD4_PTprRqkJVIwom#/registration 


  1. 國際線下實習計劃宣傳單張: 連結
  2. 2024 國際線下實習計劃資料 (中文): 連結
  3. 2024 國際線下實習計劃資料 (英文): 連結


可瀏覽網站: http://www.thebloomofyouth.com/
電郵: info@thebloomofyouth.com
Skype: TheBloomofYouth
電話: (+852) 3582-2092 (周一至周五 09:00-18:00)


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