IOTSC Talk Series: AFEPack: A C++ Library for Numerical Solutions of PDEs

智慧城市物聯網系列講座:AFEPack: 一個用於數值求解偏微分方程的C++庫

Dear Colleagues and Students,
The State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City would like to invite you to join our IOTSC Talk Series on 26/01/2024 (Friday). We are pleased to invite Prof. Guanghui HU from IOTSC and FST as the speaker.

AFEPack: A C++ Library for Numerical Solutions of PDEs
Speaker: Prof. Guanghui HU, State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City and Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau
Date: 26/01/2024 (Friday)
Time: 16:00 – 17:00
Language: English
Venue: N21-5007 (Exhibition Hall)

Numerical solutions of partial differential equations (PDEs) have been playing an indispensable role in both scientific exploration and engineering applications. In this talk, challenges on numerically solving PDEs will be briefly reviewed. Then a C++ library AFEPack, for numerical solutions of PDEs, will be introduced in detail, including the design philosophy, algorithms and data structures, features such as mesh adaptivity, pre- and post-processing components, etc. The installation of the library, as well as applications on solving benchmark problems will be demonstrated. Potential applications of the library will also be discussed.

Speaker’s Bio:
Dr. HU obtained BSc (2003) and MSc (2006) from SCU, and PhD (2010) from HKBU. He joined UM in 2012 after a postdoc at MSU. His research focuses on numerical methods of PDEs, supported by NSFC, FDCT. He is the editor of journals CiCP, AAMM, and Mathematica Numerica Sinica.

For enquiries: Tel: 8822 9141

Best Regards,
State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City