Call for Application: Joint Scientific Research Project Funding by FDCT and NSFC 2024 (NSFC-FDCT Projects 2024)


Dear Colleagues,

The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) is calling for application for the “Joint Scientific Research Project Funding by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund 2024 (NSFC-FDCT Projects 2024)”(2024年度澳門科學技術發展基金與國家自然科學基金委員會聯合科研資助). The application period is from 22 Jan to 29 Feb 2024. (Internal submission deadline: 15 Feb 2024).

For details, please refer to the FDCT website (

Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. Kenda Tang (, ext. 8152) and Ms. Evonne Liu (, ext. 9929).

Thank you for your kind attention.

Best regards,

Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office