“Past, Present and Future” Student Leaders Retreat
Moon Chun Memorial College organised its Student Leaders Retreat on 5th February 2023 on campus. This was a great opportunity for student leaders to take a break from their busy schedule to relax, think, meditate, reflect and learn. The objective of the retreat day focused on enhancing self-awareness, trust, acceptance and give-and-take among student leaders so as to build a more cohesive team. During the process, student leaders were given enough time and space to experience group activities and reflect on their roles in the team, share the challenges they encountered and appreciate those who supported them along the way. In the end, the student leaders expressed their commitment and contributions to the college in the future.

Participants building a wish tree together

Participants experiencing “taking and giving” in the team

Participants working together to create a collective painting

Participant sharing the ups and downs of being a leader

Participant learning the various virtues that leaders possess
滿珍紀念書院於 2023 年 2 月 5 日在校內舉辦了學生領袖退修日。 對於學生領袖來說,這是從繁忙的日程中抽出時間休息、放鬆、思考、冥想、反思和學習的好機會。 退修日的目標是加強學生領袖之間的自我覺察、信任、接納、給予和接受,以建立一個更有凝聚力的團隊。 在過程中,學生領袖有足夠的時間和空間體驗小組活動,反思自己在團隊中的角色,分享遇到的挑戰,並感謝一路支持他們的人。 最後,學生領袖表達了對書院未來的承諾和貢獻。




