ICTO Workshop: “Introduction to the New Web Portal of HPCC” Completed Successfully
ICTO 工作坊:“高性能計算集群 (HPCC) 的全新入口網站使用簡介” 順利舉行並圓滿結束

Dear academic staff and students,
The ICTO held a Workshop: “Introduction to the New Web Portal of HPCC” as scheduled on 31 January 2024, which attracted over 55 academic colleagues and students from different academic departments.
The briefing highlighted the main contents of the new web portal of the High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC) with demonstrations, which helped the participants to enhance understanding the use of the New Web Portal of HPCC for running interactive software, managing their files, and submitting and managing their computing jobs.
Please click here for more details on the FAQ of the new HPCC Web Portal.
Thank you again for your participation and support.
Information and Communication Technology Office
資訊及通訊科技部於 2024 年 1 月 31 日順利舉辦了「高性能計算集群 (HPCC) 的全新入口網站使用簡介」工作坊,吸引超過55名來自不同部門的學術人員和學生參加。
在這個工作坊中,我們重點介紹了高性能計算集群 (HPCC) 的全新入口網站的功能並進行了演示,以加深使用者對於使用 HPCC 新入口網站進行提交運算工作、運行軟件以及管理個人檔案和工作的認識。
如果您想獲得更多關於新入口網站的介紹,可以在 這裡 找到更多資訊。