Service suspension at E2 Café Rose Garden on 21 Feb 2024 due to the Fire Facilities Inspection



茲通知E2玫瑰園將於2024年2月21日(星期三)進行消防驗收工作暫停營業一天,期間消防警鐘將會短暫間歇性鳴響,請各位保持冷靜。不便之處 ,敬請諒解。

如有任何查詢,請致電8822 8481 或8822 8531,或電郵至

校園服務處 謹啟

Dear Colleagues and Students,

Please be informed that the services at E2 Café Rose Garden will be suspended on 21 Feb 2024 (Wednesday) due to the fire facilities inspection. During the inspection period, fire alarms will be activated at intervals. Please stay calm when you hear the alarm, thank you.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused and your understanding will be highly appreciated.

Should you have any queries, please reach us via phone 8822 8481 ,8822 8531 or email to

Thank you for your attention.

Campus Services Section