“Mental Health Awareness” Community Service Project: “The Invisible Self” Short Film Sharing – Rotary Club of Macau
心理健康推廣社區服務計劃:《白夜》微電影分享會 – 澳門扶輪社
On 22nd February 2024, Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau was invited by the Rotary of Macau to screen The Invisible Self during their regular meeting at Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16. Mental health issues and the complex relationships with our multiple selves were explored in the film. It was a collaboration between members of the college and a local film director. The screenwriter, Celina Wang (Portuguese Studies), and one of the protagonists, Rachel Zhan (Psychology) shared their process of creation with Rotarians, Rotaractors, and guests. Producer, Alice Hong (resident fellow), and the director Steven U, also shared their experiences in making the film, triggering an animated discussion at the meeting, with the audience deeply impressed by how mental health issues were addressed with through cinematic language. Finally, President João Francisco Pinto presented a souvenir to the crew as a token of thanks.
2024年2月22日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院院受澳門扶輪社邀請,於澳門十六浦索菲特酒店舉行例會上放映《白夜》,探討心理健康問題以及我們與多重自我的複雜關係。這是一部由書院成員和本地電影導演共同製作的微電影。編劇王楚月同學(葡語研究專業)和主角之一詹睿欣同學(心理學專業)與扶輪社友、扶青社友和嘉賓分享了他們的創作過程。 監製洪盈惠(書院導師)和導演余志雲也分享了他們的拍攝經歷,引發了會議上熱烈的討論,觀眾對影片中如何透過電影語言講述心理健康議題的方式留下了深刻的印象。 最後,主席彭祖匡向劇組成員致送紀念品以示謝意。